Dr. Djati Handoko, M.Si. is currently the Chairman of the Physics Department and actively lecturing on the Instrumentation Physics group. He receveid his Dr. degree from the Physics Department, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Korea, whereas his BS and MS degrees in physics are from University of Indonesia. His doctorate research deals with the Magneto-Optical Kerr Efect (MOKE) and Faraday Rotation.
Publications and national conferences
- Prototype instrument to measure loss of conductive core materials, Gajah Mada University. 2001
- Pulse current as a current source by charge-discharge capacitor, Jurnal Sains Material Indonesia. 2002
- Data acquisition of control position using capacitor sensor, Indonesian Physic Society. 2004
- Temperature monitoring system by infra red communication, 3 rd Kentingan Physics Forum. 2005
- Implementation of digital PI controller on PH plant simulator, 4 th Kentingan Physics Forum. 2007
- Implementation of digital PI controller on level plant simulator, 4 th Kentingan Physics Forum. 2007
- Smart ware house simulator base on PLC, SATEK2007 University of Lampung.
- Movement control base on PC, SATEK2007 University of Lampung
- Burnout handling automatic base on ATMEGA 8535 microcontroller, SATEK2008 University of Lampung.
- Speed and temperature controller on mixer, SATEK2008 University of Lampung.
- 1/f Noise Characteristics of a Photodiode Signal Under Illumination by a Linearly Polarized Diode Laser, Djati Handoko – Dong-Hyun Kim, Sae Mulli, 62 (2012)
Selected Publications
- Djati Handoko, Nauval Franata, L.H. Suriasughanda, Febie Permata Sari, Scaling behavior of loop area, magnetic remanence and coercivity in thermal dependence of double perovskite Ba1.7La0.3FeMoO6 compound, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (2020)
- Djati Handoko, Isnaeni, Prawito Prajitno, Zulfahmi, The influence of particle size to diffusivity of nanogold particles based on Brownian motion, Journal of Physiscs: Conference Series (2020)
- Djati Handoko, Syukur Pambudi, Isnaeni, Simple gold nanoparticles production method by ablated laser: Diameter modification, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020)
- Djati Handoko, J.A. Sashiomarda, A.S. Aji, Predictive maintenance magnetic sensor using random forest method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020)
- Djati Handoko, J.A. Sashiomarda, A.S. Aji, Implementation of convolutional neural networks to determine lightning location, Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2020)
- Magnetic and structural properties of M-type barium hexaferrites films with transition metal substitutions, Current Applied Physics 2018 (in press).
- Duy-Truong Quach, Duc-Thang Phamb, Djati Handoko, Je-Ho Shim, Dong Eon Kim, Kyung-Min Lee, Jong-Ryul Jeong, Namdong Kim, Hyun-Joon Shin, Dong-Hyun Kim, Nanometer-scale local probing of X-ray absorption spectra of Co/Pt multilayer film, Physica B: Condensed Matter 532, 221 (2018).
- Djati Handoko, Duy-Truong Quach, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Kyung Min Lee, Jong-Ryul Jeong, Dong Seok Yang, and Dong-Hyun Kim, Dynamic Scaling Behavior of Nucleation and Saturation Field During Magnetization Reversal of Co/Pt Multilayers, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 52, 6100105 (2016).
- Djati Handoko, Thanh Tran Dang, Dwi Nanto, Seong Cho Yu, Suhk Kun Oh, Dong Hyun Kim, S.E. Demyanov, N.A. Kalanda, A.V. Petrov, M.V. Yarmolich, L.V. Kovalev, Universal Hysteresis Behavior of Double Perovskite Ba2-xLaxFeMoO6, Solid State Phenomena 233-234, 364-367 (2015).
- Djati Handoko, Dong-Hyun Kim, 1/f Noise Characteristics of a Photodiode Signal Under Illumination by a Linearly Polarized Diode Laser, New Physics: Sae Mulli 62, 503-507 (2012).
- Djati Handoko, S.-H. Lee, N.A. Kalanda, S.-C. Yu, S.K. Oh, D.-H. Kim, D.S. Yang, A.V. Petrov, M.V. Yarmolich, S.E. Demyanov, Effect of Annealing Temperature to Oxidation State of Sr2FeMoO6 Double Perovskite Film, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51, 2600604 (2015).
- Duy-Truong Quach, Djati Handoko, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Je-Ho Shim, The-Long Phan, Duc-Thang Pham, Kyung-Min Lee, Jong-Ryul Jeong, Duc-The Ngo, Dong-Hyun Kim, Analysis of Magnetic Relaxation With Pre-Existing Nucleation Sites Based on the Fatuzzo-Labrune Model, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 51, 6502904 (2015).
- Djati Handoko, Duy-Truong Quach, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Je-Ho Shim, Dong-Hyun Kim, Kyung-Min Lee, Jong-Ryul Jeong, Namdong Kim, Hyun-Joon Shin, Scanning transmission X-ray microscopy study of the stretched magnetic-domain structure of Co/Pt multilayers under an in-plane field, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 66, 1732-1735 (2015).
- Djati Handoko, Je-Ho Shim, Dong-Hyun Kim, Tae Kyu Kim, Jaehun Park, Magnetic-Field-Dependent Fraunhofer Diffraction Pattern by 4f Imaging System in Transparent Magnetooptic Thin Film, Ultrafast Magnetism I, Volume 159 of the series Springer Proceedings in Physics, pp. 320-322 (2015).
- Djati Handoko, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Kyung Min Lee, Jong-Ryul Jeong, Dong-Hyun Kim, Comparison of hysteresis loop area scaling behavior of Co/Pt multilayers: Discrete and continuous field sweeping, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 351, 82-86 (2014).
- Djati Handoko, Hong-Guang Piao, Je-Ho Shim, Suhk Kun Oh, Seong-Cho Yu, and Dong-Hyun Kim, Fabrication of the magneto-optical Kerr/Faraday effect measurement setup for characterization of nanomagnetic elements, 12th QIR, Bali 2011
- Dong-Hyun Kim, Djati Handoko, 1/f Noise Characteristics of Linearly Polarized Diode Laser, 12thQIR, Bali 2011
- Djati Handoko, Sang-Hyuk Lee, and Dong-Hyun Kim, 1/f Noise Characteristics and Bias Voltage Dependent of Linearly Polarized Diode Laser, Nano Korea, Seoul 2011
- Djati Handoko, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Seong-Cho Yu, Suhk Kun Oh, and Dong-Hyun Kim, Analysis of 1/f noise characteristic of polar magneto-optical Kerr effect from Co/Pt multilayers, ICSM, Istanbul 2012
- Djati Handoko, Sang-Hyuk Lee, and Dong-Hyun Kim, Analysis of 1/f noise characteristics of magneto-optical Kerr effect measured from Co/Pt and NiFe/Pt multilayers thin film, ICM, Busan 2012
- Djati Handoko, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Suhk Kun Oh, Seong-Cu Yu, Dong-Seok Yang, and Dong-Hyun Kim, Hysteresis Loop Area Scaling of Co/Pt Multilayer Thin Film, JEMS, Parma 2012
- Djati Handoko, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Suhk Kun Oh, Dong-Seok Yang, Dong-Hyun Kim, and Seong-Cu Yu, Sweeping-Field Frequency-Dependent Hysteresis Loop Shape Transitions of Co/Pt Multilayers, JEMS, Parma 2012