Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia (UI), has long history and traditions in education and research field since it was established by the Decree of Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia (MEC) No. 108.094 / 1960 issued on 21 December 1960. Looking back through these five decades and more, Department of Physics has grown thanks to the encouragement and collaboration of many parties, both from public and private sectors. The acceleration of the development of Department of Physics was triggered by collaboration between National Atomic Energy (BATAN) in 1970s in order to prepare experts for course of radiation protection and nuclear instrumentation. This program has succeeded in graduating more than 200 bachelors of sciences, who have been employed by mostly BATAN and some other public institutions, such as: Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) and National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). In 1980s, similar collaboration also involved Indonesian Agency for Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) in order to improve qualification standard of their resources to bachelor. Many graduates who participated in those collaborations play active roles in those national institutions. Similar collaboration also involved Forum of Physics Teacher in the Special Capital Region of Jakarta in 2004 and Total Indonesia oil company in 2010. Department of Physics was located at the UI Salemba campus Jakarta. In 1987 the UI new campus was established in Depok, approximately 30 km South from Jakarta. At the same time the center of administration of Department of Physics was moved to the new UI Depok campus, where better facilities were available. Some facilities, either academic or research, were, nevertheless remain kept in the UI Salemba campus in Jakarta. Since then Department of Physics has two sites, one is in UI Depok campus, where its main activities are conducted, and the other is in UI Salemba campus.
In line with the dynamics of job market, in which competitions in private sector are getting intensive, Department of Physics becomes aware of the importance of an up-to-date education orientation that matches demands of the job market, without sacrificing quality and competency aspects of graduates in Physics. While there is demand for Department of Physics to deliver graduates that can fulfill roles in formal sector, such as higher education and research institutions, Department of Physics also needs to focus on demand of human resources on applicative sector, such as energy company, telecommunication sector, electronic industry, healthcare, etc. Because of the reason, Department of Physics developed six groups of knowledge fields (specialization) as follows.
- Theoretical Nuclear-particle Physics and Astrophysics
- Materials Physics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Instrumentation Physics
- Medical Physics & Biophysics
- Geophysics
Currently, Department of Physics organizes five study programs as can be viewed in its website, https://physics.ui.ac.id. These five study programs are:
- Undergraduate in Physics,
- Master in Physics,
- Master in Materials Science,
- Doctor in Materials Science.
- Doctor in Physics.