Dr. Bambang Soegijono is one of the staf members in the Department of Physics, University of Indonesia. He was born in Kebumen on December 16, 1956. He received his bachelor degree in the field of Pure Physics from University of Indonesia. He obtained his doctorate degree in the Materials Physics from Uniersitate Ecole Central de Lyon, France. His expertise is ceramic and metal materials. He has published a number of national and international papers.
Selected Publications
- C. Kurniawan, D. Djuhana, B. Soegijono, D.-H. Kim, Micromagnetic investigation of the sub-nanosecond magnetic pulse driven domain wall motion in CoFeB nanowire, Current Applied Physics 27, 98-102 (2021).
- E. Hutagaol and B. Soegijono, The effect of rubber recycles variation as a non-reinforcing filler on functional group, microscopic structure and mechanical properties, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020017 (2020)
- N. Muktiarti, I. Ditama, and B. Soegijono, Characterization of imidazoline derivates synthesized from soybean oil fatty acids as corrosion inhibitors on mild steel, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020023 (2020)
- V. Henniwuriyama, E. U. M. Situmorang, and B. Soegijono, Electrochemical behavior of austenitic stainless steel after heat treatment, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020009 (2020)
- I. Ditama, N. Muktiarti, and B. Soegijono, Imidazoline derivatives based on silane functional group as corrosion inhibitor on mild steel, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020019 (2020)
- W. Firdaus, B. Soegijono, A. Sudarmaji, and A. D. Trisnadi, Characterization of bismuth in Sn-based as safe environment solder material, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020011 (2020)
- A. D. Trisnadi, B. Soegijono, A. Sudarmaji, and W. Firadus, Structure, thermal and electrochemical behavior of lead free solder tin-zinc, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020014 (2020)
- I. H. Ramadhan, B. Soegijono, O. Kurniawan, E. Virgawati, and I. Mudzakir, Thermal behavior, dielectric and corrosion resistance of polyurethane/carbon/nanoclay hybrid materials, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012072 (2020)
- D. S. Razaq, D. R. Munazat, B. Soegijono, B. Kurniawan, S. Budiawanti, and D. Nanto, Effect of copper substitution on the structure of La0.7Sr0.25Nd0.05Mn1-xCuxO3 (x = 0, 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07) manganites, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012074 (2020)
- D. R. Munazat, D. S. Razaq, B. Soegijono, B. Kurniawan, S. Budiawanti, and D. Nanto, Study of structure and composition on La0.7Ba0.25Nd0.05Mn1-xCuxO3(x = 0, 0.03, 0.05 and 0.07) prepared by sol-gel method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012069 (2020)
- O. Kurniawan, B. Soegijono, Preparation and characterization of polyurethane/ carbon/organoclay composite for coating of aluminum conductor overhead lines, e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 18, pp. 62-69 (2020).
- M. Khotib, B. Soegijono, Z. A. Mas’ud, K. Sutriah, Electrocatalytic Properties of Ni-Doped BaFe12O19 for Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Solution, Open Chemistry 17, pp. 1382-1392 (2020).
- M. Farid, B. Soegijono, Z. A. Mas’Ud, Microwave assisted cationic polymerization of different type palm oils with Boron trifluoride ethereal catalyst, Indonesian Journal of Chemistry 19, pp. 30-40 (2019).
- D. Nanto, B. Kurniawan, B. Soegijono, N. Ghosh, J.-S. Hwang, and S.-C. Yu, Critical exponent analysis of lightly germanium-doped La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-xGexO3 (x = 0.05 and x = 0.07), AIP Advances 8, 047204 (2018).
- D. Nanto, H. Akbar, B. Soegijono, B. Kurniawan, N. Ghosh, J.-S. Hwang, S.-C. Yu, Temperature span of magnetocaloric effect in Nb-doped La0.7Ca0.3Mn1−xNbxO3 (x=0, 0.002 and 0.01), Physica B: Condensed Matter 526, 160-165 (2017).
- T. P. Djun, L. T. Handoko, B. Soegijono, T. Mart, Viscosities of gluon dominated QGP model within relativistic non-Abelian hydrodynamics, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 30, 1550077 (2015).
- S. Iwan, J.L. Zhao, S.T. Tan, S. Bambang, M. Hikam, H.M. Fan, X.W. Sun, Ion-dependent electroluminescence from trivalent rare-earth doped n-ZnO/p-Si heterostructured light-emitting diodes, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 30, 263-266 (2015).
- D. Djuhana, B. Soegijono, H.-G. Piao, S.K. Oh, S.-C. Yu, D.-H. Kim, Oscillatory transformative domain wall inner structure of the depinning domain wall around a notched ferromagnetic wire, Journal of the Korean Physical Society 63, 654-658 (2013).
- C. Liza, B. Soegijono, E. Budianto, S.J. Alinasiri, Jayatin, Morphological structure of pretreated organo layer silicate dispersion in masterbatch biodegradable polymer cassava starch clay nanocomposite, Advanced Materials Research 626, 157-162 (2013)
- Mahendra Anggaravidya, Sudirman Sudirman, Bambang Soegijono, Emil Budianto, Martin Djamin, The Carbon Black Sonofication Effects on Vulcanisate Properties of Natural Rubber, Advanced Materials Research, 626, 114-120 (2013).
- C. Liza, B. Soegijono, E. Budianto, J. Alinasiri, Jayatin, Effect of Pretreatment of Organo Layer Silicate with Surfactant Using Sonication to the Gallery of Silicate Layer for Biodegradable Nanocomposite Preparation, Procedia Chemistry 4, 47-52 (2012).
- D. Suastiyanti, B. Soegijono, Shifting of X-Ray Diffraction pattern peak on BaFe12O19 nanocrystalline produced by sol gel auto combustion method, Advanced Materials Research 576, 240-243 (2012).
- D. Suastiyanti, A. Sudarmaji, B. Soegijono, Influence of Ba/Fe mole ratios on magnetic properties, crystallite size and shifting of X-ray diffraction peaks of nanocrystalline BaFe 12O 19 powder, prepared by sol gel auto combustion, AIP Conference Proceedings 1454, 238-241 (2011).
- Sutrisno, B. Soegijono, The characterization of boride layer on the St37 iron, AIP Conference Proceedings 1454 (1), 279-281 (2011).
- D. Fasquelle, M. Mascot, J.C. Carru, M. Hikam, Y. Iriani, B. Soegijono, Study of lead free ferroelectric films for new solar cells, AIP Conference Proceedings 1169, 55-62 (2009).
- M. Hikam, B. Soegijono, Y. Iriani, I. Mudzakir, D. Fasquelle, Study of barium strontium titanate thin film doped by indium, AIP Conference Proceedings 1169, 155-160 (2009).
- S. Vidawati, U. Rothe, B. Soegijono, M. Hikam, Study of monolayer films for organic solar cells, AIP Conference Proceedings 1169, 127-131 (2009).
- M.C. Toana, B. Soegijono, M. Hikam, Influence of ultrasonic waves on the formation of high pores silicon carbide, AIP Conference Proceedings 1169, 161-166 (2009).
- D. Fasquelle, M. Mascof, J.C. Carru, M. Hikam, Y. Iriani, B. Soegijono, Study of lead free ferroelectric films for new solar cells, Pipelines 2009: Infrastructure’s Hidden Assets – Proceedings of the Pipelines 2009 Conference 360, 55-62 (2009).