I am a professor of material sciences at the Physics Department of the University of Indonesia
- E-mail: vivi@sci.ui.ac.id
- ResearcherID: S-1008-2017
- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4593-4662
Research Interest
Current Research Projects (2022-2025)
Nanomaterials provide unique mechanical, electrical, and optical properties and have played an important role in recent advances in energy-related applications. This research group works on the synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials with novel optical, thermal and electrical functionality. General topics of interest include:
- Photovoltaics & Photodetectors
- Photoelectrochemical solar energy conversion & Photocatalysis
- Optical and electrical Sensors
- Photothermal for solar steam evaporation
- Noble metal bimetallic nanostructures with high-energy facets for photocatalysis application
- Graphene oxides and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) for photothermal and photoelectrochemical application
- Two-dimensional TMDs-based heterostructures for photodetectors and RH sensors

Current and Former Students
Current Undergraduate Students
- Hendri Erka Setya
- Ananta Rangga Maulana
Current Master Students
Fani Rahayu Hidayah Rayanisaputri
- Indra Adinata
Current Ph.D. Students
- Rahmat Setiawan Mohar
- Muhammad Haekal Habibie
- Indah Nursyamsi Handayani
- Didik Aryanto
- Febri Rismaningsih
- Fita Widiyatun
Former Undergraduate Students
- Alief Maulana Shiddiq
- Haifa Nida Nur Madjid
- Muhammad Fajar Syafruddin
- Razin Sabil Asy’tada
- Ainun Jariah
- Krestote Putra Daimon
- Ferina Livya Kirana
- Leonardo Togar Samosir
- Putri Safa Izhara
- Siti Hajija Rumaru
- Ardina Khoirun Nisa Gunawan
- Livia Ilona Djayasuminta
- Rizky Azhari Abietto
- Afdella Oktarena
- Fikui Siami
- Nurkumala Dewi
- Kiki Widiyanti
- Alma Setiana Khoirunnisa
- Faiz Adela
- Huda Eka Permana
- Prabudi Susetyo
- Jeffry Marselie
- Ayu Puspita Sari
- Abdul Rachim
- Anita Eka Putri
- Ni Made Manik Savitri
- Mohammad Ridwan
- Nur Ajrina Putri
- Yeni Febrianti
- Ananta Rizki Fareza
- Devi Irmavianti
- Rahmi Karmelia
- Fairuz Septaningrum
- Muhammad Adam Dwiputra
- Mona Dini Mardia
- Suci Mufidah Winata
- Vinanda Putritama
- Rizantia Anggraini
- Farah Fadhila
- Yuvie Miftah Huda
- Abdurrafi Lukmantara Pamungkas
- Jehnsen Hirena Kane
- Arsya Nugraha Putratama
- Anggita Putri Mentari
- Aufa Salsabila
- Margaretha Chandrika Laras D.
- Safira Razak
- Yohan Sutanto
Former Master Students
- Suci Mufidah Winata
- Riyani Tri Yulianti
- Novi Nur Aidha
- Agustina Arianita Cahyaningtyas
- Anung Syampurwadi
- Ananta Rizki Fareza
- Hudya Fitra Hasmin
- Nur Ajrina Putri
- Novita Amie Lestari
- Nuning Aisah
- Rahmat Setiawan Mohar
- Yusnidar MN
- Dini Novialisa
- Nur Intan Pratiwi
- Aditya Yudiana
- Mohammad Arifin
- Yusnita Rahayu
- Anita Eka Putri
- Tony Kristianto
- Topik Teguh Estu
Former Ph.D. Student
- Arie Listyarini
- Tengku Emrinaldi
- Retno Yunilawati
Selected Publications
- L. T. Samosir, F. A. A. Nugroho, V. Fauzia, Enhancing Electrochemical Hydrogen Evolution Efficiency via UV Ozone Treatment: 3D Electrode Carbon Cloths with Defect-Enriched MoS2, Electrochimica Acta 496, 144483 (2024).
- T. Emrinaldi, A. A. Umar, R. T. Ginting, V. Fauzia, Enhancing the photothermal efficiency of MoS2 through ultraviolet-ozone exposure for improved solar evaporation, Surfaces and Interfaces 48, 104343 1 (2024).
- R. T. Yulianti, F. Destyorini, Y. Irmawati, A. A. Umar, V. Fauzia, Rike Yudianti, Heteroatom SiO2-N/S co-dopant on hierarchical meso/macroporous palm empty fruit bunches carbon for flexible solid-state supercapacitors, Materials Science and Engineering: B 303, 117282 (2024).
- N. A. Putri, M. A. Dwiputra, S. M. Winata, Isnaeni, R. T. Ginting, F. A. A. Nugroho, V. Fauzia, MoSe2 Quantum Dots Enhance the Performance of ZnO Nanostructure-Based UV Photodetectors, ACS Applied Nano Materials 7, 4, 3835–3842 (2024).
- R. T. Yulianti, F. Destyorini, Y. Irmawati, S. Priyono, M. H. Fauzi, A. A. Umar, H. Uyama, V. Fauzia, R. Yudianti, High capacitance performance of hierarchically SiO2 self-doped porous activated carbon derived from palm empty fruit bunches, Journal of Energy Storage 71, 108153 (2023).
- S. M. Winata, R. Zakaria, V. Fauzia, Effect of UV-O3 treatment on the performance of UV detector based on zinc oxide/molybdenum disulfide nanosheet heterostructures, Optical Materials 147, 114722 (2024).
- R. Yunilawati, W. Handayani, E. Oktarina, C. Imawan, D. Rahmi, A. Umar, V. Fauzia, Antibacterial Sachet from the b-Cyclodextrin/Lemongrass Oil Inclusion Complex for Shrimp Freshness, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, Volume 58 (6), 3097-3108 (2023).
- T. Emrinaldi, M. A. Dwiputra, A. R. Fareza, A. A. Umar, F. A. A. Nugroho, R. T. Ginting, V. Fauzia, Tuning surface wettability of MoS2 to enhance solar-driven evaporation rates, Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 43 (1), e14234 (2024).
- A. Listyarini, C. Imawan, D. Djuhana, V. Fauzia, Monitoring Shrimp Spoilage Using A Paper-based Colorimetric Label Containing Roselle Flower Extract, Current Nutrition & Food Science 19 (7), 732-744 (2023).
- A. R. Fareza, L. Roza, F. A. A. Nugroho, V. Fauzia, Modulating light absorption and charge recombination in photoelectrochemical water oxidation with spin-coated MoS2 co-catalyst on ZnO nanorods, Surfaces and Interfaces 37, 102663 (2023).
- R. T. Ginting, H. Abdullah, D. A. Barus, V. Fauzia, Extremely high-efficiency solar steam generation, robust and scalable photothermal evaporator based on ZIF-67@ MXene/rGO decorated rock wool, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 11 (10), 5296-5308 (2023).
- M. A. S. A. Fahri, N. S. Rohizat, A. Yudiana, V. Fauzia, M. I. M. A. Khudus, R. Zakaria, Nonlinear optical response of zinc oxide nanorods with gold and silver alloy embedment, Physica B: Condensed Matter 637, 413899 (2023).
- R. Yunilawati, W. Handayani, E. Oktarina, C. Imawan, D. Rahmi, A. Umar, V. Fauzia, Antibacterial sachet from the β-Cyclodextrin/lemongrass oil inclusion complex for shrimp freshness, International Journal of Food Science + Tehnology 58, 3097-3108 (2023).
- A. Syampurwadi, I. Primadona, V. Fauzia, Facile photochemical reduction synthesis of bimetallic Au and Pd nanoparticles on ZnO nanorods for improved photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue, : Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 13 (2), 025013 (2022).
- A. R. Fareza, F. A. A. Nugroho, V. Fauzia, One-Step Coating of a ZnS Nanoparticle/MoS2 Nanosheet Composite on Supported ZnO Nanorods as Anodes for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting, ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (11), 16051-16060 (2022).
- A. Y. A. Al-She’irey, M. Y. A. Rahman, M. I. A. Umar, I. Sugihartono, V. Fauzia, Effect of potassium precursor concentration on the performance of perovskite-sensitized solar cells, Bulletin of Materials Science 45 (2), 1-9 (2022).
- R. T. Ginting, H. Abdullah, V. Fauzia, Facile preparation of MXene and protonated-g-C3N4 on natural latex foam for highly efficient solar steam generation, Materials Letters 313, 131779 (2022).
- A. R. Fareza, F. A. A. Nugroho, F. F. Abdi, and V. Fauzia, Nanoscale metal oxides–2D materials heterostructures for photoelectrochemical water splitting—a review, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 10, 8656-8686 (2022).
- M. A. S. A. Fahri, N. S. Rohizat, A. Yudiana, V. Fauzia, M. I. M. A. Khudus, R. Zakaria, Nonlinear optical response of zinc oxide nanorods with gold and silver alloy embedment, Physica B: Condensed Matter 637, 413899 (2022).
- R. T. Ginting, H. Abdullah, V. Fauzia, Facile preparation of MXene and protonated-g-C3N4 on natural latex foam for highly efficient solar steam generation, Materials Letters 313, 131779 (2022).
- T. Kristiantoro, Dedi, V. Fauzia, The influence of Dy concentration on the thermoelectric properties of n-type Dy-doped Bi2Te3 pellets prepared by hydrothermal and carbon burial sintering, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 158, 110241 (2021).
- M. A. Ramli, E. R. Mawarnis, M. I. A. Umar, M. Y. Abd Rahman, V. Fauzia, M. Nurdin, A. A. Umar, Charge transfer uplift in dye-sensitized solar cells using fibrous nanocrystals of platinum-based bimetallic counter electrodes, Surfaces and Interfaces 26, 101311 (2021).
- V. Fauzia, A. Yudiana, Y. Yulizar, M. A. Dwiputra, L. Roza, I. Soegihartono, The impact of the Au/Ag ratio on the photocatalytic activity of bimetallic alloy AuAg nanoparticle-decorated ZnO nanorods under UV irradiation, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids 154, 110038 (2021).
- A. E. Putri, L. Roza, S. Budi, A. A. Umar, and V. Fauzia, Tuning the photocatalytic activity of nanocomposite ZnO nanorods by shape-controlling the bimetallic AuAg nanoparticles, Applied Surface Science 536, 147847 (2021).
- V. Putritama, V. Fauzia, and A. Supangat, The effect of the layer number of MoS2 nanosheets on the photocatalytic efficiency of ZnO/MoS2, Surfaces and Interfaces 21, 100745 (2020).
- L. Roza, V. Fauzia, M.Y.A. Rahman, I. Isnaeni, and P.A. Putro, ZnO nanorods decorated with carbon nanodots and its metal doping as efficient photocatalyst for degradation of methyl blue solution, Optical Materials 109, 110360 (2020).
- R.S. Mohar, I. Sugihartono, V. Fauzia, A.A. Umar, Dependence of optical properties of Mg-doped ZnO nanorods on Al dopant, Surfaces and Interfaces 19, 100518 (2020)
- M.A. Dwiputra, F. Fadhila, C. Imawan, V. Fauzia, The enhanced performance of capacitive-type humidity sensors based on ZnO nanorods/WS2 nanosheets heterostructure, Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical 310, 127810 (2020)
- L. Roza, Y. Febrianti, S. Iwan, V. Fauzia, The role of cobalt doping on the photocatalytic activity enhancement of ZnO nanorods under UV light irradiation, Surfaces and Interfaces 18, 100435 (2020)
- A. Listyarini, W. Handayani, V. Fauzia, C. Imawan, Active starch/pva composite films containing syzygium oleana for ammonia vapor colorimetric indicators, Materials Science Forum 990, 318-324 (2020)
- M. Arifin, L. Roza, V. Fauzia, Bayberry-like Pt nanoparticle decorated ZnO nanorods for the photocatalytic application, Results in Physics 2019 (in press).
- V. Fauzia, R. Karmelia, L. Roza and M. A. E. Hafizah, Gold mesocauliflowers as catalyst for the hydrogenation of acetone to isopropanol, Material Research Express 6, 084002 (2019).
- A EkaPutri, V. Fauzia and L. Roza, Effect of Au nanoparticles and Au mesostars on the photocatalytic activity of ZnO nanorods, Material Research Express 6, 084008 (2019).
- T. Mahardika, N. A. Putri, A. E. Putri, V. Fauzia, L. Roza, I. Sugihartono, and Y. Herbani, Rapid and low temperature synthesis of Ag nanoparticles on the ZnO nanorods for photocatalytic activity improvement, Results in Physics 13, 102209 (2019).
- L. Roza, V. Fauzia, M. Y. A. Rahman, Tailoring the active surface sites of ZnO nanorods on the glass substrate for photocatalytic activity enhancement, Surfaces and Interfaces 15, 117-124 (2019).
- V. Fauzia, D. Irmavianti, L. Roza, M. Ayu, E. Hafizah, C. Imawan, A. A. Umar, Bimetallic AuAg sharp-branch mesoflowers as catalyst for hydrogenation of acetone, Materials Chemistry and Physics 225, 443-450 (2019).
- R. Andika, F. Aziz, Z. Ahmad, M. Doris, V. Fauzia, T. M. Bawazeer, N. Alsenany, M. S. Alsoufi, A. Supangat, Organic nanostructure sensing layer developed by AAO template for the application in humidity sensors, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 2382–2388 (2019).
- N. A. Putri, V. Fauzia, S. Iwan, L. Roza, A. A. Umar, S. Budi, Mn-doping-induced photocatalytic activity enhancement of ZnO nanorods prepared on glass substrates, Applied Surface Science 439, 285–297 (2018).
- V. Fauzia, Nurlely, C. Imawan, N.M.M.S. Narayani, A.E. Putri, A localized surface plasmon resonance enhanced dye-based biosensor for formaldehyde detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 257, 1128-1133 (2018).
- V. Fauzia, M.N. Yusnidar, L. H. Lalasari, A. Subhan, A. A. Umar, High figure of merit transparent conducting Sb-doped SnO2 thin films prepared via ultrasonic spray pyrolysis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 720, 79-85 (2017).
- V. Fauzia, A. A. Umar, M. M. Salleh, M. Yahaya, Effect of Gold Nanoparticles Density Grown Directly on the Surface on the Performance of Organic Solar Cell, Current Nanoscience 9, 187 – 191 (2013).
- V. Fauzia, A. A. Umar, M. M. Salleh, M. Yahaya, The Thermal Annealing Effect on The Morphology of Inkjet Printed Polymer: Fullerene Composites Solar Cells, Acta Physica Polonica A 121, 155-158 (2012).
- V. Fauzia, A. A. Umar, M. M. Salleh, M. Yahaya, The effect of donor: acceptor ratio on the generated photocurrent of inkjet printed blended poly (3-octylthiophene-2.5-diyl) and (6,6)-phenyl C71 butyric acid methyl ester bulk heterojunction organic solar cells, Materials Science Forum 663-665, 823-827 (2011).
- V. Fauzia, A. A. Umar, M. M. Salleh, M. Yahaya, The effect of solvent on the morphology of inkjet printed active layer of bulk heterojunction solar cells, Adv. Nat. Sci.: Nanosci. Nanotechnol. 2, 015014 (2011).