I I am a professor of physics and member of the teaching and research staff at the Departemen Fisika FMIPA, Universitas Indonesia. I have written a number of technical scientific papers, an essay and a descriptive articles in magazines, as well as opinion in the local newspaper. Scroll down for more details.
See also my videos on YouTube about:
- Exclusive interview with the Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI)
- Music recital organized by the Indonesian Science Fund (DIPI)
- Discussion about cosmology with Mr. Jaya Suprana
- Discussion about philosophy of physics with Mr. Jaya Suprana
- TEDx Universitas Indonesia
- A chronology of universe according to science
- My biography made by the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)
Orcid ID: 0000-0003-4628-2245 WoS Researcher ID: AAD-4810-2021 Scopus ID: 6701754064
Scientific and Professional Career
Research interests
Find Me in
- 1988 Drs, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
- 1990 Assistant Lecturer, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
- 1996 Dr. rer.nat., Universität Mainz, Germany
- 2005 Lecturer, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
- 2011 Professor, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
- 2012 Member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences
- 2015 – 2020 Chairman of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Professorial Board
- 2015 – 2025 Member of the University of Indonesia Professorial Board
- Kaon Photoproduction
- Kaon Electroproduction
- Electromagnetic and hadronic form factors
- Photo- and electroproduction of hypernuclei
- Hadronic structures
- Neutron stars
With my former students in 2018

Current Students
- Nur Aisyah Nuzulia (Doctor)
- Mutoharoh (Doctor)
- Jovan Alfian Djaja (Sarjana)
- Reddy Malik (Sarjana)
- Fernando (Sarjana)
Former Ph.D. students
- Dr. Hendri Irwandi : Modeling Water Level Fluctuations of Lake Toba Based on Climate Change, Climate Variability, and Human Activities (2024).
- Dr. Akbar Azzi : Towards Automated Patient-Specific Quality Assurance for Adaptive Radiotherapy (2023).
- Dr. Lukmananda Evan Lubis : Novel phantom for performance evaluation of contrast-enhanced 3D rotational angiography (2021).
- Dr. Tjong Po Djun: Viscosities of Quark Gluon Plasma (2015).
Former M.Sc. and B.Sc. students
- Adinda Aisyah Nurul Ilmi : Analytical Calculation of the Cross-Section for Double Pion Photoproduction Reactions (S.Si.)
- Albert Copperfield : Computational Analysis of Invariant Amplitudes and Cross-Sections in Double Pion and Double Kaon Photoproduction (S.Si.)
- Fauzan Syahbana : Distribution Amplitude and Decay Constant of Light Meson on Mixed 1S and 2S State in Light Front Quark Model (S.Si.)
- Irvine Ringgo : Calculation of Cross-Sections for Double Kaon Photoproduction (S.Si.)
- Ridwan : Analysis of Electric and Magnetic Form Factor of The Proton at 0.00546 – 31.28 GeV2 Squared Momentum Transfer (S.Si.); Study of Observable Quantities in Heavy Pseudoscalar and Vector Mesons in the 1S, 2S, and 3S States Using the Light-Front Quark Model (M.Si.)
- Nabilah Hana Luthfiyah : Struktur Hipertriton dengan gaussian expansion method (M.Si.)
- Cahya: Investigation of the Effects of BGOOD Collaborations (2020) Experimental Data on γp → KΣ Photoproduction Isobar Model (S.Si.)
- Sirajuddin: Effects of the BGOOD Experimental Data on Isobar Model for Kaon Photoproduction (M.Si.)
- Geoffry Giffari: Kaon Photoproduction Amplitude with Pure Spin 3/2 and 5/2 Nucleon Resonance (S.Si.)
- Chairul Aulia: Significance of Nucleon Resonance P11(2100) off Kaon Photoproduction in KΛ channel (S.Si.)
- Sakinah: Photoproduction K+Λ in a Multipole Approach (S.Si.), Low Energy Theorem for kaon photoproduction at thereshold (M.Si.)
- Mujirin: Pure Spin-5/2 Propagator in Kaon Photoproduction (M.Si.)
- Benecditus Bayu Respati: Kaon Electroproduction with Multipole Approach in Λ Channel (S.Si.)
- Dr. Samson Clymton: Kaon Photoproduction off Proton by Including up to Spin-9/2 Nucleon Resonances and Spin-3/2 Hyperon Resonances (M.Si.), Kaon Photoproduction with Spin 5/2 Nucleon Resonances (S.Si.)
- Dr. Jason Kristiano: Pure Spin-3/2 Representation and Its Application in Particle Physics (S.Si.)
- Adnan Isnain: Spin-5/2 Hyperon Resonance in Kaon Photoproduction (S.Si.)
- Wowo Diergo Suciawo: Hyperon Resonance in Kaon Photoproduction at u-Channel (S.Si.)
- Ahmad Rusli: Photoproduction of K+Lambda and K0Lambda from Threshold up to 2 GeV (S.Si.)
- Veryanta: Kaon Photoproduction with Energy Up to 5.5 GeV (S.Si.)
- Nizar Septian: Measurement of D*+ Meson Production Versus Charged-Particle Multiplicity at Proton-proton Collisions at Center of Mass Energy 13 TeV (M.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. Suharyo Sumowidagdo]
- Rinda Parya Putri: Discrimination between the Final State of ttH and ttbb using Neural Network (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. Suharyo Sumowidagdo]
- Handaru Putera Pratama: Discrimination between the Final State of ttH and ttA using Neural Network (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. Suharyo Sumowidagdo]
- Dr. Ahmad Ja’far Arifi: Kaon Photoproduction with 3/2 Spin Nucleon Resonances (S.Si.)
- Dr. M. Jauhar Kholili: Investigation of the Nucleon Resonance in Elementary Kaon Photoproduction (S.Si.)
- Anggun Komala Sari: Effects of the Hadronic Form Factors in Kaon Photoproduction off the Nucleon (S.Si.)
- Nurhadiansyah: Role of Hyperon Resonances in Kaon Photoproduction off the Nucleon (S.Si.)
- Davit Sipayung: Nonlinear Dynamics of Secondary Protein Folding under the Influence of Abelian Magnetic Field (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Bundi Eko Wijaya: Neutrino Mass After Symmetry Breaking GUT SU(6) Dimension-5 (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Eunike Fera: Viscous QGP within QCD Fluid with Broken Gauge Symmetry (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Moch Januar: Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistical Mechanics of Secondary Protein Folding (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Raditya Utama: Equation of State of the Early Universe in a Relativistic QGP Fluid Model (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Yulia C. W.: Modeling of the Micro and Macro Bending of Fiber Optics (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Ika Ikrima: Superconducting Cosmic Strings (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. Handhika S. Ramadhan]
- Lila Syukurilla: Hadronic Form Factors in Kaon Photoproduction (M.Si.)
- Sinta Latifah: Boson Star at Finite Temperature (M.Si.) [Joint supervision with Prof. Dr. Anto Sulaksono]
- Suparti: Effects of the Nucleon Radius Variation on the Equation of State of Neutron Star (M.Si.) [Joint supervision with Prof. Dr. Anto Sulaksono]
- Tiara Marsainy: Bayesian Analysis for Kaon Photoproduction (M.Si.)
- Sidik Rubadi Pramudito: Calculation of the Differential Cross Section of the Sigma-Hyperon Production from Electron-Neutron Scattering (M.Si.)
- Helendra: Electroproduction of Lambda Hyperon (M.Si.)
- Nofirwan: Kaon Electroproduction on Nucleon with Spin 3/2 and 5/2 Resonances (M.Si.)
- Ardy Mustofa: Symmetry Breaking through HIggs Mechanism in SU(6) GUT (M.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Nowo Riveli: Confinement-deconfinement phase transition of the SU(2) pure gauge system at finite temperature (M.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Faozan: Transport energy mechanism in the protein (M.Si.)
- Dr. Andy Octavian Latief: The Curvatures of Gradient Kahler-Ricci Solitons on the Complex Plane (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Prof. Dr. Bobby Eka Gunara]
- Chrisna S. N.: Plasma matter distribution in the compact star (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- M. Khalid Nurdin: Early Universe within Fluid QCD (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Dr. Muhandis: Symmetry Breaking with Extra Dimension (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Andrias Fajarudin: Abelian and non-abelian magnetofluid dynamics with lagrangian gauge (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Andhika Oxalion: Calculation of the Physical Observables in the Relativistic Fluid Dynamics Using Lattice Gauge Theory (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. L. T. Handoko]
- Mifthanzi Ariana Sarashanti: BPS Domain Wall in Field Theory (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. Handhika Ramadhan]
- Dona Abrini: Kaon Photoproduction on Hyperon (M.Si.)
- Mohammad H Haikal: Fluctuation Correlation of Currency Exchange South East Asian Countries (S.Si.)
- Toto Aminoto: Statistical properties of the Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur stock exchange indices (M.Si.)
- Dr. Suharyo Sumowidagdo (S.Si. and M.Si.)
- Dr. Handhika S. Ramadhan (S.Si.) [Joint supervision with Dr. H. J. Wospakrik]
- Dr. Agus Salam (M.Si.)
- ..and many more…
Two of my former students
- Dr. Suharyo Sumowidagdo, Indonesian Institute of Science (Senior Scientist)
- Tan Wijaya, IBM (President Director of IBM Indonesia)
Edited Books and Proceedings
Contributions to other Conferences
Current International Advisory Committee
Previous International Advisory Committee
- International workshop on J-PARC hadron physics 2023 (J-PARC Hadron 2023), J-PARC, Tokai, Japan.
- The 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, 1-5 March 2021, Kanazawa, JAPAN.
- New Perspectives on Pentaquarks, 11-13 March 2020, Pukyung National University, Busan, Korea.
- Light Cone 2020, 29 June- 4 July 2020, Jeju Booyoung Hotel, Korea.
- International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (FB22), 9 to 13 July 2018, Caen, France.
- The 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (APFB 2017), Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China.
- The 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (APFB 2014), 7-11 April 2014, Hahndorf, Australia.
- …more
Selected Publications
- M. Ridwan, A. J. Arifi, and T. Mart, Self-consistent M1 radiative transitions of excited Bc and heavy quarkonia with different polarizations in the light-front quark model, Physical Review D 111, 016011 (2025).
- M. S. Rosid, H. Irwandi, Apip, T. Mart, R. D. Susanto, and A. Sulaiman, Evaluation of Lake Toba’s water level decline in Indonesia over the past six decades, Environmental Challenges 18, 101071 (2025).
- S. Clymton, H.-C. Kim, and T. Mart, Production mechanism of the hidden charm pentaquark states Pcc, Physical Review D 110, 094014 (2024).
- Y.-F. Wang, M. Döring, J. Hergenrather, M. Mai, T. Mart, U.-G. Meißner, D. Rönchen, and R. Workman (Jülich-Bonn-Washington Collaboration), Global Data-Driven Determination of Baryon Transition Form Factors, Physical Review Letters 133, 101901 (2024).
- K. Okuyama et al. (JLab Hypernuclear Collaboration), Electroproduction of the Λ/Σ0 hyperons at 𝑄 2 ≃ 0.5 (GeV/𝑐)2 at forward angles, Physical Review C 110, 025203 (2024).
- G. Gifari, P. T. P. Hutauruk, and T. Mart, Nuclear medium meson structures from the Schwinger proper-time Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model, Physical Review D 110, 014043 (2024).
- L. E. Lubis, R. A. Basith, I. Hariyati, T. Mart, H. Bosmans, D. S. Soejoko, Task-based selection of three-dimensional rotational angiography imaging modes using in-house phantom, Radiography 30 (3), 882-888 (2024).
- N. A. Nuzulia, T. Mart, I. Ahmed, and Y. W. Sari, The Use of Microspheres for Cancer Embolization Therapy: Recent Advancements and Prospective, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering 10, 637-656 (2024).
- M. Mai, J. Hergenrather, M. Döring, T. Mart, Ulf-G. Meißner, D. Rönchen, and R. Workman, Inclusion of electroproduction data in a coupled channel analysis, European Physical Journal A 59, 286 (2023).
- M. Ridwan and T. Mart, Note on the electromagnetic radius of proton, Modern Physics Letters A 38, 2350157 (2023).
- L. E. Lubis, W. D. Najmah, Y. Muliyanti, I. Hariyati, D. Ryangga, T. Mart, H. Bosmans, D. S. Soejoko, Development, Construction, and Evaluation of an Alternative Dosimetry Phantom for Computed Tomography, Journal of Medical Physics 48(4), 402-408 (2023).
- A. Azzi, G. Heilemann, D. Georg, S. A. Pawiro, T. Mart, W. Lechner, Impact of log file source and data frequency on accuracy of log file-based patient specific quality assurance, Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik (2023, in press).
- H. Irwandi, M. S. Rosid, and T. Mart, Efects of Climate change on temperature and precipitation in the Lake Toba region, Indonesia, based on ERA5‑land data with quantile mapping bias correction, Scientific Reports 13, 2542 (2023).
- N. Z. R. Mart and T. Mart, Do the CO2 Absorption by Plants & Emission by Growing Media Obey Fick’s Law?, The American Biology Teacher 84 (9), 545–550 (2022).
- N. H. Luthfiyah and T. Mart, Role of the high-spin nucleon and delta resonances in the KΛ and KΣ photoproduction off the nucleon, Physical Review D 104, 076022 (2021).
- L. E. Lubis, R. A. Basith, I. Hariyati, D. Ryangga, T. Mart, H. Bosmans, D. S. Soejoko, Novel phantom for performance evaluation of contrast-enhanced 3D rotational angiography, Physica Medica 90, 91–98 (2021).
- S. Clymton and T. Mart, Extracting the pole and Breit-Wigner properties of nucleon and Δ resonances from the γN→KΣ photoproduction, Physical Review D 104, 056015 (2021).
- T. Mart, Electromagnetic Production of Kaon in All Isospin Channels: Summary of the Progress and Application, Few-Body Systems 62, 31 (2021)
- H. Irwandi, M. S. Rosid, and T. Mart, The effects of ENSO, climate change and human activities on the water level of Lake Toba, Indonesia: a critical literature review, Geoscience Letters 8, 21 (2021).
- T. Mart, How do I introduce Schrödinger equation during the quantum mechanics course? Physics Education 56, 025012 (2021).
- T. Mart, Coupled K+Λ and K0Λ photoproduction off the nucleon: effects of the recent CLAS and MAMI data and the N(1680)P11 narrow state, Physical Review D 100, 056008 (2019).
- T. Mart, Addendum to predicting the K0Λ photoproduction observables by using the multipoles approach, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2019, 069101 (2019).
- T. Mart, J. Kristiano, and S. Clymton, Pure spin-3/2 representation with consistent interactions, Physical Review C 100, 035207 (2019).
- T. Mart and M. J. Kholili, Partial wave analysis for KΣ photoproduction on the nucleon valid from threshold up to W = 2.8 GeV, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 46, 105112 (2019).
- S.Sakinah, S.Clymton and T. Mart, Some Phenomenological Aspects of Kaon Photoproduction in the Extreme Kinematics, Acta Physica Polonica B 50, 1389-1408 (2019).
- T. Mart and A. Rusli, Predicting K0 photoproduction observables by using the multipole approach, Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics 2017, 123D04 (2017).
- J. Kristiano, S. Clymton and T. Mart, Pure spin-3/2 propagator for use in particle and nuclear physics, Physical Review C 96, 052201(R) (2017) [Rapid Communication].
- S. Clymton and T. Mart, Isobar model for kaon photoproduction with spin-7/2 and -9/2 nucleon resonances, Physical Review D 96, 054004 (2017).
- T. Mart and S. Sakinah, Multipoles model for K+Λ photoproduction on the nucleon reexamined, Physical Review C 95, 045205 (2017).
- Suparti, A. Sulaksono and T. Mart, Influence of the nucleon radius on the properties of slowly rotating neutron stars, Physical Review C 95, 045806 (2017).
- T. Mart and A. Sulaksono, Reply to “Comment on ‘Nonidentical protons’ “, Physical Review C 93, 039802 (2016).
- T. Mart, S. Clymton, and A. J. Arifi, Nucleon resonances with spin 3/2 and 5/2 in the isobar model for kaon photoproduction, Physical Review D 92, 094019 (2015).
- T. P. Djun, L. T. Handoko, B. Soegijono, and T. Mart, Viscosities of gluon dominated QGP model within relativistic non-Abelian hydrodynamics, Int. Journal of Modern Physics A 30, 1550077 (2015).
- L. Syukurila and T. Mart, A combination of hadronic form factors for modeling the kaon photoproduction process γp → K+Λ, Int. Journal of Modern Physics E 24, 1550008 (2015).
- T. Mart, Electromagnetic production of KΣ on the nucleon near threshold, Physical Review C 90, 065202 (2014).
- S. Latifah, A. Sulaksono, and T. Mart, Boson star at finite temperature, Physical Review D 90, 127501 (2014).
- T.C. Jude et al, K+Λ and K+Σ photoproduction with fine center-of-mass energy resolution, Physics Letters B 735, 112-118 (2014).
- T. Mart, Constraining the mass and width of the N*(1685) resonance, Physical Review D 88, 057501 (2013).
- T. Mart, Coupling strength of the N*(1535)S11 to the K+Λ channel, Physical Review C 87, 042201 (2013) [Rapid Communication].
- T. Mart and A. Sulaksono, Reply to the Comment on Nonidentical protons, Physical Review C 88, 059802 (2013).
- T. Mart and A. Sulaksono, Nonidentical protons, Physical Review C 87, 025807 (2013).
- T. Mart and A. K. Sari, Hadronic form factors in the γp→K+Λ process, Modern Physics Letters A 28, 1350054 (2013).
- T. Mart and N. Nurhadiansyah, Are hyperon resonances required in the elementary K+Λ photoproduction?, Few-Body Systems 54, 1729-1739 (2013).
- A. Salam, T. Mart, K. Miyagawa, Role of the K1 meson in K0 photoproduction off the deuteron, Few-Body Systems 54, 261-264 (2013).
- T. Mart and M. J. Kholili, Origin of the second peak in the cross section of the KΛ photoproduction, Physical Review C 86, 022201 (2012) [Rapid Communication].
- T. Mart, Evidence for the narrow state at 1650 MeV in the photoproduction of KΛ, Physical Review D 83, 094015 (2011).
- T. Mart, Photo- and electroproduction of the K0Λ near threshold and effects of the K0 electromagnetic form factor, Physical Review C 83, 048203 (2011).
- B.I.S. van der Ventel, T. Mart, H.F. Lu, H.L. Yadav and G.C. Hillhouse, Electromagnetic production of hypernuclei, Annals of Physics 326, 1085-1106 (2011).
- G.B. Adera, B.I.S. Van Der Ventel, D.D. van Niekerk and T. Mart, Strange-particle production via the weak interaction, Physical Review C 82, 025501 (2010).
- T. Mart, Electromagnetic production of kaon near threshold, Physical Review C 82, 025209 (2010).
- T. Mart, Effects of the higher partial waves and relativistic terms on the accuracy of the calculation of the hypertriton electroproduction, Nuclear Physics A 815, 18-28 (2009).
- T. Mart and A. Sulaksono, Low-density instability of multi-component matter with trapped neutrinos, Physical Review C 78, 025808 (2008).
- T. Mart and B. van der Ventel, Photo- and electroproduction of the hypertriton on 3He, Physical Review C 78, 014004 (2008).
- T. Mart, Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn sum rule and the discrepancy between the new CLAS and SAPHIR data, Few-Body System 42, 125-138 (2008).
- T. Mart, Can we extract the pion electromagnetic form factor from a t-channel diagram only?, Modern Physics Letters A 23, 3317-3329 (2008).
- T. Mart and T. Aminoto, Impact of the monetary crisis on statistical properties of the Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur stock exchange indices, Physica A 373, 634-650 (2007).
- A. Sulaksono, T. Mart, T.J. Burvenich, J.A. Maruhn, Instabilities of relativistic mean field models and the role of nonlinear terms, Physical Review C 76, 041301 (2007).
- P. Bydzovsky and T. Mart, Analysis of the data consistency on kaon photoproduction with Λ in the final state, Physical Review C 76, 065202 (2007).
- T. Mart and A. Sulaksono, Kaon photoproduction in a multipole approach, Physical Review C 74, 055203 (2006).
- A. Sulaksono and T. Mart, Low densities instability of relativistic mean field models, Physical Review C 74, 045806 (2006).
- A. Salam, K. Miyagawa, T. Mart, C. Bennhold, W. Glockle, K0 photoproduction on the deuteron and the extraction of the elementary amplitude, Physical Review C 74, 044004 (2006).
- K. Miyagawa, T. Mart, C. Bennhold, W. Glockle, Polarization observables in exclusive kaon photoproduction on the deuteron, Physical Review C 74, 034002 (2006).
- H. Kohri et al., Differential cross section and photon beam asymmetry for the polarized-γ n→K+Σ– reaction at Eγ = 1.5 – 2.4 GeV, Physical Review Letters 97, 082003 (2006).
- A. Sulaksono, C. Kalempouw-Williams, P.T.P. Hutauruk, and T. Mart, Neutrino electromagnetic form-factors effect on the neutrino cross section in dense matter, Physical Review C 73, 025803 (2006).
- M. Sumihama et al., The polarized-γ p→K+Λ and polarized-γ p→K+Σ0 reactions at forward angles with photon energies from 1.5 to 2.4-GeV, Physical Review C 73, 035214 (2006).
- M. Nowakowski, N.G. Kelkar, and T. Mart, Unexpected neutron structure effects in one neutron halos, Physical Review C 74, 024323 (2006).
- A. Sulaksono, P.T.P. Hutauruk, and T. Mart, Isovector channel role of relativistic mean field models in the neutrino mean free path, Physical Review C 72, 065801 (2005).
- R. Lawall et al., Measurement of the reaction γ p→K0Σ+ at photon energies up to 2.6 GeV, European Physical Journal A 24, 275-286 (2005).
- A. Sulaksono, T. Mart, and C. Bahri, Nilsson parameters κ and μ in the relativistic mean field models, Physical Review C 71, 034312 (2005).
- C. Kalempouw-Williams, P.T.P. Hutauruk, A. Sulaksono, and T. Mart, Neutrino electromagnetic form-factor and oscillation effects on neutrino interaction with dense matter, Physical Review D 71, 017303 (2005).
- T. Mart, Photoproduction of pentaquark in Feynman and Regge theories, Physical Review C 71, 022202 (2005) [Rapid Communication].
- P.T.P. Hutauruk, C. Kalempouw-Williams, A. Sulaksono, T. Mart, Neutron fraction and neutrino mean free path predictions in relativistic mean field models, Physical Review C 70, 068801 (2004).
- D.S. Carman et al., First measurement of transferred polarization in the exclusive polarized-e p →e’ K+polarized-Λ reaction, Physical Review Letters 90, 131804 (2003).
- R.M. Mohring et al., Separation of the longitudinal and transverse cross-sections in the p(e, e’ K+) Λ and p(e, e’ K+)Σ0 reactions, Physical Review C 67, 055205 (2003).
- T. Mart and T. Wijaya, Extending isobar model for kaon photoproduction up to 16-GeV, Acta Physica Polonica B 34, 2651-2664 (2003).
- F.X. Lee, T. Mart, C. Bennhold, and L.E. Wright, Quasifree kaon photoproduction on nuclei, Nuclear Physics A 695, 237-272 (2001).
- T. Mart, Role of P13(1720) in KΣ photoproduction, Physical Review C 62, 038201 (2000).
- H. Yamamura, K. Miyagawa, T. Mart, C. Bennhold, and W. Gloeckle, Inclusive K+ and exclusive K+Y photoproduction on the deuteron: Λ and Σ threshold phenomena, Physical Review C 61, 014001 (2000).
- S. Goers et al., Measurement of γ p→K0Σ+ at photon energies up to 1.55 GeV, Physics Letters B 464, 331-338 (1999).
- T. Mart and C. Bennhold, Evidence for a missing nucleon resonance in kaon photoproduction, Physical Review C 61, 012201 (1999) [Rapid Communication].
- S. Sumowidagdo and T. Mart, Kaon photoproduction on the nucleon: Contributions of kaon hyperon final states to the magnetic moment of the nucleon, Physical Review C 60, 028201 (1999).
- M.Q. Tran et al., Measurement of γ p→K+Λ and γ p→K+Σ0 at photon energies up to 2-GeV, Physics Letters B 445, 20-26 (1998).
- H. Haberzettl, C. Bennhold, T. Mart, and T. Feuster, Gauge-invariant tree-level photoproduction amplitudes with form factors, Physical Review C 58, R40-R44 (1998) [Rapid Communication].
- T. Mart, L. Tiator, D. Drechsel, and C. Bennhold, Electromagnetic production of the hypertriton, Nuclear Physics A 640, 235-258 (1998).
- T. Mart, C. Bennhold, C.E. Hyde-Wright, Constraints on coupling constants through charged Σ photoproduction, Physical Review C 51, R1074-R1077 (1995) [Rapid Communication].