Supriyanto Pawiro was born at Cilacap, Central Java. He obtained his Bachelor from Diponegoro University and received Master degree from University of Indonesia majoring in Medical Physics. Subsequently, he involved in Clinical Medical Physics Training of Radiotherapy Physics at Department of Radiotherapy, National Cancer Center of Singapore funded by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
He did PhD in Medical Physics at Center for Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Medical University of Vienna in cooperation with University Clinic of Radiotherapy and Radiobiology Medical University of Vienna/Allgemeines Krankenhaus der Stadt Wien (AKH). Before he return back to Indonesia, he worked at Medical Radiation Physics Section, Division of Human Health, IAEA as intern.
Undergraduate: Basic Physics, Radiotherapy Physics, Radiotherapy Planning, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Physics of Radiology and Dosimetry.
Graduate Program : Radiotherapy Planning
Selected Publications
- D. Hardiansyah, A. Riana, P. Kletting, N. R. R. Zaid, M. Eiber, S. A. Pawiro, A. J. Beer and G. Glatting, A population-based method to determine the time-integrated activity in molecular radiotherapy, EJNMMI Physics 8, 82 (2021).
- D. Hardiansyah, P. Kletting, N. J. Begum, M. Eiber, A. J. Beer, S. A. Pawiro, G. Glatting, Important pharmacokinetic parameters for individualization of 177Lu‐PSMA therapy: A global sensitivity analysis for a physiologically‐based pharmacokinetic model, Medical Physics 48, 556-568 (2021).
- P. Widodo, S. A. Pawiro, and I. P. Susila, Dosimetry for Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy (IMRT) Technique Using Ion Chamber Matrix (MatriXX-FFF) with Back Projection Method (Usual 6MV and 10MV), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012015 (2020)
- F. Rosalina, N. Nasution, W. E. Wibowo, and S. A. Pawiro, The Impact of Corrected-MVCT Images to Dose Distribution on Adaptive Tomotherapy: Hepatocellular Carcinoma Case, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012017 (2020)
- S. T. Tarigan, A. Nainggolan, M. Fadli, S. Liura, and S. A. Pawiro, Evaluation of Adaptive Planning of Lung Cases based on Cone Beam CT Images, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012020 (2020)
- W. Ardiatna, N. G. Pratiwi, S. A. Pawiro, K. T. Wigati, and D. S. Soejoko, Influence of Various Setup Parameters on Scattered Fraction in Interventional Cardiology, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012042 (2020)
- S. Suryaningsih, A. Nainggolan, M. Fadli, S. Liura, Fendinugroho, R. Tursinah, and S. A. Pawiro, The Characteristic of Profile and Depth Dose of Neutron Clinac iX 15 MV, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012027 (2020)
- I. Nistiyanti, A. M. Y. Putranto, F. Nugroho, A. Nainggolan, M. Fadli, S. Liura, R. Tursinah, and S. A. Pawiro, The Effect of Lung Tumors Target Movement on Neutron Dose, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012006 (2020)
- S. Wijanarko, A. Sudarmaji, and S. A. Pawiro, Calibration of mechanical systems of in-house dynamic thorax phantom for radiotherapy dosimetry, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012064 (2020)
- A. R. Fauzia, A. R. Setiadi, and S. A. Pawiro, Analysis of magnetic resonance image quality using an in-house phantom: Gamma knife application, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012013 (2020)
- I. N. Pranditayana, A. R. Setiadi, M. M. Ramadhan, D. Tandian, and S. A. Pawiro, Verification of dose distribution on the gamma knife perfexion radiosurgery using gafchromic EBT3 film: RANDO phantom study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012028 (2020)
- P. A. Pontoh, O. A. Firmansyah, A. R. Setiadi, D. Tandian, and S. A. Pawiro, Dose evaluation of organs at risk during treatment using gamma knife stereotactic radiosurgery (GKSRS): Phantom study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012014 (2020)
- R. Rahmawati, W. E. Wibowo, and S. A. Pawiro, Point dose measurements for brachytherapy with a cylinder applicator, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1442, 012018 (2020)
- N. G. Pratiwi, W. Ardiatna, S. A. Pawiro, K. T. Wigati, and D. S. Soejoko, The optimization of radiation protection to interventional cardiologists, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1434, 012002 (2020)
- W. H. Round , S. Jafari, T. Kron, H. A. Azhari, S. Chhom, Y. Hu, G. F. Mauldon, K. Y. Cheung, T. Kuppusamy, S. A. Pawiro, L. E. Lubis, D. S. Soejoko, F. Haryanto, M. Endo, Y. Han, T. S. Suh, K. H. Ng, A. Luvsan-Ish, S. O. Maung, P. P. Chaurasia, S. M. A. Jafri, S. Farrukh, A. Peralta, H. J. Toh, S. Sarasanandarajah, A. C. Shiau, A. Krisanachinda, S. Suriyapee, S. Vinijsorn, T. C. Nguyen, Brief histories of medical physics in Asia-Oceania, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine 38, 381-398 (2015).
- Lukmanda Evan Lubis, Ika Bayuadi, Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro, Kwan-Hoong Ng, Hilde Bosmans, Djarwani Soeharso Soejoko, Optimization of dose and image quality of paediatric cardiac catheterization procedure, Physica Medica 31, 659-668 (2015).
- Daniella Fabri, Valentina Zambrano, Amon Bhatia, Hugo Furtado, Helmar Bergmann, Markus Stock, Christoph Bloch, Carola Lütgendorf-Caucig, Supriyanto Pawiro, Dietmar Georg, Wolfgang Birkfellner, Michael Figl, A quantitative comparison of the performance of three deformable registration algorithms in radiotherapy, Zeitschrift für Medizinische Physik 23, 279-290 (2013).
- C. Gendrin, H. Futado, C. Weber, C. Bloch, M. Figl, S.A. Pawiro, H. Bergmann, M. Stock, G. Ficthinger, D. Georg, W. Birkfellner. Monitoring tumor motion by real time 2D/3D registration during radiotherapy during radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology 102(2): 274-280 (2012)
- J. Spoerk, C. Gendrin, C. Weber, M. Figl, S.A. Pawiro, H. Furtado, D. Fabri, C. Bloch, H. Bergmann, E. Groller, W. Birkfellner. High Performance GPU-based rendering for real-time, rigid 2D/3D-image registration and motion prediction in radiation oncology. Zeitschrift fuer Medizinische Physik 22 (1) : 13-20 (2012).
- H. Furtado, C. Gendrin, C. Bloch, J. Spoerk, S.A. Pawiro, C. Weber, M. Figl, M. Stock, D. Georg, H. Bergmann, W. Birkfellner, Real-time 2D/3D registration for tumor motion tracking during radiotherapy, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE 8314 , 831407 (2012).
- S.A. Pawiro, P. Markelj, F. Pernus, C. Gendrin, M. Figl, C. Weber, F. Kainberger, I Nöbauer-huhmann, H. Bergmeister, M. Stock, D. Georg, H. Bergmann, and W. Birkfellner. Validation for 2D/3D Registration, Part 1: A New Gold Standard Data Set, Medical Physics, 38(3), 1481 – 1490 (2011)
- C. Gendrin, P. Markelj, S.A. Pawiro, J. Spoerk, C. Bloch, C. Weber, M. Figl, H. Bergmann, W. Birkfellner, B. Likar, F. Pernus. Validation for 2D/3D Registration, Part 2: the comparison of intensity and gradient based merit function using a new gold standard data set. Medical Physics, 38 (3), 1491 – 1502 (2011)
- M. Figl, C. Bloch, C. Gendrin, C. Weber, S.A. Pawiro, J. Hummel, P. Markelj, F. Pernus, H. Bergmann, W. Birkfellner. An Efficient implementation of the rank correlation merit function for 2D/3D registration. Phys.Med.Biol. 55, N465-N471 (2010)
Datasets :
- Steininger P, Neuner M, Birkfellner W, Gendrin C, Mooslechner M, Bloch C, Pawiro S, Sedlmayer F, Deutschmann H.An ITK-based Implementation of the Stochastic Rank Correlation (SRC) Metric. Insight Journal
- Steininger P, Neuner M, Birkfellner W, Gendrin C, Mooslechner M, Bloch C, Pawiro S, Sedlmayer F, Deutschmann H. SourceCode4 Source MSVC2fix reserve fix.
- Steininger P, Neuner M, Birkfellner W, Gendrin C, Mooslechner M, Bloch C, Pawiro S, Sedlmayer F, Deutschmann H.IJ 776 Data