Exploration and Innovation of Magnetic and Dielectric Materials research group was founded in 2015. It focuses consistently on researching various phenomena of magnetic and dielectric properties of ferromagnetic and ferroelectric-based materials. Exploration of these material properties are needed in order to innovate materials through material structural engineering for various magnetic and electrical product applications.

Head of Research Group, Professor

Associate Professor
Deskripsi tentang Klaster Riset
This research group is led by Prof. Dr. Azwar Manaf M.Met and Dr Budhy Kurniawan. The members are:
- Dr Mas Ayu Elita Hafizah Msi
- Dr. Agung Imaduddin M.Eng;
- Dr Sitti Ahmiatri Saptari SSi, Msi
- Undergraduate and Graduate students
Administrative assistant : Siti Suyamti SE
Laboratory assistant : Suparno
Selected Publications:
- M.A. Elita Hafizah, A.L. Mahar, Suparno Andreas, A. Manaf,”The Role of Anionic Surfactant to the Particle Size Reduction of Conductive PANi,” Materials Science Forum Submitted: 2019-12-15 ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1000, pp 265-271 Accepted: 2020-02-25 © 2020 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland Online: 2020-07-03. Tech Publications Ltd, www.scientific.net. (#539787747-28/05/20,06:26:04)
Novrita Idayanti, Dedi and Azwar Manaf,” Structural Change and Magnetic Properties of Mechanically Alloyed Spinel Ferrite CoFe2O4,” Key Engineering Materials Submitted: 2019-12-09 ISSN: 1662-9795, Vol. 855, pp 108-116 Revised: 2020-03-05 © 2020 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland Accepted: 2020-03-30 Online: 2020-07-27, Tech Publications Ltd, www.scientific.net. (#540489908-24/06/20,09:35:30) - N. Idayanti, Dedi and A. Manaf,” Effect of Annealing on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of SrFe12O19-CoFe2O4 Nanocomposites,” International Journal of Nanoelectronics and Materials Volume 13, No. 2, Apr 2020 [341-350], Received 30 October 2019, Revised 5 February 2020, Accepted 17 March 2020
- Sigit Dwi Yudanto, Agung Imaduddin, Budhy Kurniawan, Azwar Manaf,” Phase Evolution and Critical Temperature of MgB2 Superconductor Made of β-Rhombohedral Boron with Temperature Sintering Variation,” Key Engineering Materials Submitted: 2019-10-09 ISSN: 1662-9795, Vol. 855, pp 215-220 Revised: 2020-03-08 © 2020 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland Accepted: 2020-03-30 Online: 2020-07-27, Tech Publications Ltd, www.scientific.net. (#540490843-24/06/20,10:28:43)
- Yana Taryana, Wisnu Ari Adi, D. Mahmudin, Yuyu Wahyu and Azwar Manaf,” Structural, Magnetic and Microwave Absorption Characteristics of Ba1-xLaxFe12O19 (x = 0; 0.1; 0.2;0.3;0.5;0.7),” Key Engineering Materials Submitted: 2019-12-01 ISSN: 1662-9795, Vol. 855, pp 261-267 Revised: 2020-03-08 © 2020 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland Accepted: 2020-03-30 Online: 2020-07-27, Tech Publications Ltd, www.scientific.net. (#540490428-24/06/20,10:02:57)
- Yuda Bakti Zainal, Dedi and Azwar Manaf,” Microstructure and Microwave Absorption Characteristics of BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 Composites,” Key Engineering Materials Submitted: 2019-11-11 ISSN: 1662-9795, Vol. 855, pp 322-329 Revised: 2020-03-08 © 2020 Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Switzerland Accepted: 2020-03-30 Online: 2020-07-27, Tech Publications Ltd, www.scientific.net. (#540490144, University of Indonesia)
- L. Darmawan, Suparno, A. Manaf,” Enhancement of Magnetic and Microwave Absorbing Properties of [Ba (Fe, Mn, Ti)12 O19]1-x–[CoFe12 O4] x (x = 0.2; 0.5; 0.8) Composites,” The International Conference on Sciences and Technology Applications IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1485 (2020) 012046 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1485/1/012046
- Iskandar Muda and Azwar Manaf,” Effect of Annealing Cycles on Deep Drawability of Low Carcon Titanium Added Steel,” Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia Vol. 21, No. 2, Januari 2020, hal. 89-94, Received: 4 October 2019 Revised: 10 December 2019 Accepted: 7 January 2020 Akreditation No : 36/E/KPT/2019 Date 13 Dec 2019 ISSN 1411-1098 E-ISSN 2614-087X, http://jusami.batan.go.id
- Erlina Yustanti, Adhitya Trenggono, Azwar Manaf,” Physical and Microwave Absorption Characteristics of High Powered Ultrasonically Irradiated Crystalline BaFe9Mn1.5Ti1.5O19 Particles,” International Journal of Technology, 11(2) 310-321 (2020) Received March 2019 / Revised October 2019 / Accepted March 2020, http://ijtech.eng.ui.ac.id, doi: 10.14716/ijtech.v11i2.2988
- Mas A. E. Hafizah, Ahmad L. Mahar, Suparno, Andreas, and Azwar Manaf*,” Increased Electrical Conductivity of PANi: Anionic Surfactant Addition during Emulsion Polymerization,” IPST 2019, Macromol. Symp. 2020, 391, 1900170, DOI: 10.1002/masy.201900170, First published: 22 June 2020
- F. Bahfie1 . A. Manaf . W. Astuti . F. Nurjaman,” Studies on Reduction Characteristics of Limonite and Effect of Sodium Sulphate on The Selective Reduction to Nickel,” J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. D https://doi.org/10.1007/s40033-020-00240-3 Received: 5 October 2020 / Accepted: 2 November 2020, published online: 19 November 2020
- Adam Jaya , M. A. Elita Hafizah , A. Manaf, Andreas,” The Influence of Surfactant and Protective Colloid on Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion Synthesized by Emulsion Polymerization Technique,” SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2020 Homepage: doi.org/10.21009/SPEKTRA, Online: 27 November 2020 Published: 31 December 2020 SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya p-ISSN: 2541-3384 e-ISSN: 2541-3392.
- Sigit Dwi Yudanto, Yulia Puspa Dewi, Perdamean Sebayang , Septian Adi Chandra, Agung Imaduddin , Budhy Kurniawan , and Azwar Manaf,” Influence of CNTs addition on structural and superconducting properties of mechanically alloyed MgB2,” Journal of Metals, Materials and Minerals, Vol. 30, No. 3, pp. 9-14, 2020, DOI: 10.14456/jmmm.2020.xx, Accepted date: 8 June 2020
- M A Elita Hafizah1 , F Kissinger1 , A manaf, Suparno and Andreas,” Syntesis Conductive Polymer from Polypyrrole (PPy) Based Assisted by Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) Through Batch Polymerization Technique,” IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1485 (2020) 012020 IOP Publishing doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1485/1/012020.
- Yana Taryanaa , Azwar Manafb , Nanang Sudrajata , Yuyu Wahyu,” Material Penyerap Gelombang Elektromagnetik Jangkauan Frekuensi Radar,” Jurnal Keramik dan Gelas Indonesia Vol. 28 No.1 June 2019 : 1 – 29
- T.A.Valencya, A.Manaf and M.A. Elita Hafizah,” Yield Enhancement of Activated Carbon Palm Kernel Shells Based Through Carbonization Solidification Process,” Materials Science Forum ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1028, pp 313-318 Online: 2021-04-29, Tech Publications Ltd, www.scientific.net
- R.A. Aprilian, M.A. Elita Hafizah, A. Manaf and Andreas,” Conversion Enhancement of Vinyl Acetate Monomer to Polyvinyl Acetate Emulsion Through Emulsion Polymerization Method,” Materials Science Forum ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1028, pp 263-268, Online: 2021-04-29, Tech Publications Ltd, www.scientific.net.
- Leyona TA, Mas Ayu EH, Yana Taryana and Azwar Manaf,” Coercivity Dependence of Microwave Characteristics in Mechanically Alloyed SrFe11.9-yMny/2Tiy/2In0.1O19 (y = 0; 0.3; and 1.2),” Materials Science Forum ISSN: 1662-9752, Vol. 1028, pp 56-61 Online: 2021-04-29
- Hywel Davies, Azwar Manaf, Zhang Pengzheng and Robert Buckley, European Patent No. EP 0650 634 B1, Assignee : University of Sheffield, “Magnetic Materials and Methods of Making Them” (Novel Nanocomposite Rare Earth Hard Magnetic Alloys with Enhanced Remanence), Publ. 27/3/1996
- Setyo Purwanto, Azwar Manaf, Ridwan, Mujamilah,” Bahan Sensor magnetik Giant Magnetoresistance Berbasis paduan Logam Tanah Jarang, ( Sertifikat Paten ) 21 November 2007
- Magnet Stronsium Ferit (SrFe12O19) Nanopartikel dan Proses Pembautannya