The Master in Physics Program was established in 1990, based on the Decree of the Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, No. 152/DIKTI/Kep/2007. In 2000 the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education accredited “A” for this Study Program according to Decree No. 025/BAN-PT/AK-I/S2/IX/2000. Based on Decree No.444/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-SURV/M/XI/2014, the Study Program remains accredited with A.
The MPPhy conducts education in Physics to produce:
- Teaching staff and researchers who can teach in undergraduate education programs in the field of physics and can plan and carry out research in the field of physics and its applications
- Researchers at research institutes who can design and carry out research in the field of physics and its applications
- The Professionals or experts in academia/research, industry, hospitals, and other multinational companies can learn and adapt quickly to the industrial work environment and solve problems in their work environment by applying physical science and scientific thinking
Master Program in Physics graduates who can think critically and creatively with a vital mastery of physics to be able to contribute to solving science and technology problems on a national and international level, build professional careers in fields related to Physics or Applied Physics, as well as communicate and collaborate as citizens world
- Able to conduct scientific research in one of the fields of physics and their application
- Able to apply physics concepts and their applications in solving a problem
- Able to analyze issues comprehensively related to physics and its application
- Able to formulate problems using physics methods and their application to solving the cases in their work field
- Able to produce valuable products related to physics and their application for contributing to the community
- Able to construct systematic reports and research manuscripts to be published in international or national publisher
- Able to present the results of work and research systematically in a global or national academic forum
The Master’s Program in Physics is organized into two terms (semesters) per academic year, where one period typically spans 16 weeks of educational activities. To weigh the load of courses offered in a period, UI employs a credit unit system known as “SKS.” One SKS is equivalent to a 1-hour (50-minute) lecture followed by 60 minutes of structured learning activity (e.g., assignments) and 60 minutes of independent learning activity per week.
The by-course track created the curriculum to yield professionals or experts in academia/research, industry, hospitals, and other multinational companies. The graduate from this track can learn and adapt quickly to the industrial work environment and solve problems in their work area by applying physical science and scientific thinking. During the 1st and 2nd semesters, the student takes compulsory and elective courses on a fundamental concept of physics and its application for doing research in 3rd and 4th semesters. In the 3rd semester, students could attend an international forum and publish their articles in proceedings indexed by Scopus. The student can also publish their paper in the national journal with Sinta rank minimal 2. The paper can be produced as a part of their research or work in collaboration with the lecturer. In the 4th semester, the student performs a complete research methodology starting from literature review, proposal, experiment, and writing.
To develop student interests, they can take specialization that can enrich their knowledge and skills in researching a thesis. There are five specializations in the Master Program in Physics as follows:
- Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Particles and Astrophysics
- Condensed Matter Physics
- Instrumentation Physics
- Reservoir Geophysics
- Geothermal Exploration
In the by-research track, the curriculum was designed to accommodate a robust basic competency for performing research in physics. This track facilitates researchers from research institutes to have the ability to create and carry out research in the field of physics and its applications. Starting from the 1st semester, the student begins with the literature review in the early semester period and presents a proposal at the end of the semester. In the 2nd semester, the students present the progress result of their research and publish a paper. In this scientific publication, the student can publish in the international conference indexed by Scopus or minimal of Nation Journal with Sinta Index 2. In the 3rd semester, the student must submit their research result in an international journal indexed by Scopus or World of Science. In the 4th semester (final semester), the student performs thesis writing and presents the final research result in the thesis examination.
- Academic Guidelines for the Master Study Program
- Module Handbook Master in Physics
- Student Handbook Master in Physics
- Structured S2 & S3 Course Implementation Report Templates
- Unstructured S2 & S3 Course Implementation Report Templates
- SCPH802806 – S2 Kuliah – Publikasi Ilmiah
- SCPH801006 – S2 Riset – Publikasi Ilmiah 2
- SCPH801004 – S2 Riset – Publikasi Ilmiah 1
- SCPH801007 – S2 – Thesis

The Master in Physics Program has been established since 1990, based on the Decree of Directorate of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education, Republic of Indonesia, No. 152/DIKTI/Kep/2007. In 2000 the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education accredited this Study Program with A according to the Decree No. 025/BAN-PT/AK-I/S2/IX/2000. Currently, based on the Decree No.444/SK/BAN-PT/Ak-SURV/M/XI/2014 the Study Program remains accredited with A.
To be one of the leading centers of education and research of physics and applied science, able to play an important role at national and international levels, and able to provide supports for technological developments required by the domestic industries.
In general, the main missions of Master of Science in Physics Program of UI include:
- To produce graduates with excellent character who have competencies in science, culture and technology in order to be able to compete internationally.
- To build an academic atmosphere and scientific community in various sciences.
- To develop international standards in human resources professionalism in order to be able to deliver Indonesia to the global era.
- To give service to the community in the form of developing knowledge, models, and various problem solving.
Additionally, Master of Science in Physics Program of UI also formulates two special missions:
- To implement the application and development of science and technology in physics to the community.
- To implement the development and application of science and technology in physics towards new innovations that can be applied to national industries.
The main goals of Master of Science in Physics Program of UI are to produce:
- Lecturers and researchers who are able to teach in undergraduate programs in physics and to plan as well as to carry out research in the areas of physics.
- Researchers who are able to plan and carry out research in the areas of physics.
Graduates who have the ability to work in industry, are able to adapt, able to quickly learn, and competent in solving the problems, especially in the application of physics or in systematic use of scientific thinking to solve these problems.
The standards by the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (INQF) are used in compiling the profile of graduates of Master of Science in Physics Program to be produced through the application of the Curriculum for the Master of Science in Physics Program. The curriculum for The Master of Science in Physics Program is designed to produce graduates that are capable of:
- Developing physics in order to be recognized globally
- Solving the problems in the community which are related to physics by using inter- and multi discipline approaches
- Communicating the results of the faculties thoughts to the community both orally and in writing
Adapting to the development of science and technology through the process of self-sustaining and independent learning
The graduates of Master in Physics Program must have the ability to:
- Plan a research according to problems in one of areas of physics and its applications.
- Correlate the basic concepts of physics with the results of calculations or measurements in research in one area of physics and its applications.
- Formulate the problem solving of the development of physics and its applications.
- Develop physics with logical, critical, systematic, and creative thinking through scientific research in one of the areas of physics and its application.
- Compose research reports in the form of thesis as well as articles and scientific presentation materials.
- Show the results of the research by presenting at international conference (oral or poster presentation) or equivalent in both Indonesian and foreign language (English).
- Publish the results of the research in one of nationally accredited scientific journals or international journals and international scientific conferences or equivalent.
- Perform academic or study validation with scientific methodologies and physical laws in solving problems in society.
- Illustrate ideas, thoughts, and scientific arguments so that they are easy to understand.
- Demonstrate sensitivity and concern over environmental, social, national and state issues.
- Communicate ideas, thoughts, and scientific arguments that are prepared responsibly and in accordance with academic ethics about the problems in the community to the wider community as a form of sensitivity to environmental, society, nation and State issues.
- Identify the object of research in the areas of physics and its applications in describing the phenomena, findings and topics of contemporary & current science.
- Project the role of physics and its applications in interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary research in the future.
- Categorize objects of research in physics related to phenomena, findings, and topics of contemporary & current science on interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary research maps.
- Consider to solve the problems with integrity, critical thinking, creative and innovative, as well as based on intellectual curiosity.
- Develop knowledge in the use of computer and information technology in order to keep up with the times.
- Develop knowledge about new methods and technologies that support their work.
- Adapt to the development of science and technology.
- Manage a network with colleagues both in the institution and in the wider work community.
- Manage the time well when working independently or in teams under stressful conditions.
- Use spoken and written language in Indonesian and English.
- Conduct the learning process independently and sustainably.
- Conduct the work in accordance with OSH principles (Occupational Safety and Health).
- Demonstrate a sense of confidence in social interaction and in adapting to technological advances at work.
- Document the research data well and securely.
- Be able to rediscover the research data.
- Manage the documentation of research data in the efforts of validation and prevention of plagiarism.
To achieve the competencies, a series of courses is developed as a learning tool that allows students to get various activities to sharpen their skills. The Master of Science in Physics Program provides two sets of courses to train these competencies. The two sets of courses are each distributed in the Course & Research Program and Research Program.
To provide opportunities for students who excel academically in the undergraduate program, the Master in Physics Program opens a Research Program. This program is carried out by deepening the basic concepts of Physics and specializations in the usage of methods and techniques in the field of Physics and Applied Physical. The curriculum structure that is implemented in this program follows the structure stated in the University President’s Decree No: 2199 / SK / R / UI / 2013. It is structured as follows: participation of 4 Credits-worth of scientific seminar / conference was distributed to Scientific Seminar 1 and Scientific Seminar 2 courses. Both of these courses each weigh 2 credits. This distribution is because of the requirement of the Course and Research Program is 2 Credits.