Master Program in Physics

The Master’s Program in Physics was established in 1990 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 152/Dikti/Kep/2007. In 2024, the program achieved a significant milestone by obtaining international accreditation from ASIIN, the prestigious German agency responsible for international higher education quality assurance in engineering, computer science, natural sciences, and mathematics disciplines.

The MPPhy conducts education in Physics to produce:

  1. Faculty members and researcher who are actively engaged in undergraduate physics education also conduct research in Physics and Applied Physics.
  2. Researchers at research institutes specilize in designing and conducting research within the field of Physics and Applied Physics.
  3. Professionals and experts in academia, research institutions, industry, hospitals and multinational companies who can quickly learn and adapt to industrial work environments, and effectively solve workplace challenges by applying the principles of physical science and scientific thinking.

A Master of Science in Physics graduate is capable of critical and creative thinking, contributing to the production of scientific and creative works both nationally and internationally to build a professional career in fields related to physics and its applications.

  1. Able to comprehensively and thoroughly analyze scientific problems and cases within their field of work, considering all aspects of physics knowledge and its applications.
  2. Able to correlate physics knowledge and its applications with various experimental (experimental physics) or simulation (theoretical physics) methods to solve problems scientifically.
  3. Able to collaboratively and comprehensively recommend solutions to scientific problems and sustainable development that are relevant to physics and its applications, using interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary approaches.
  4. Able to integrate scientific methods and problem-solving strategies in any professional field.”
  5. Able to review current international research literature to develop an advanced understanding of scientific progress in a specific area of physics.
  6. Able to formulate solutions to problems through scientific research in a specific field of Physics and its Applications, adhering to guidelines, ethics, safety, and considering environmental impact.
  7. Able to generate valuable insights, methods, knowledge, and technology related to Physics and Applied Physics to contribute to industry and society.
  8. Able to manage research and development projects with adequate competence in communication and teamwork.
  9. Able to systematically and clearly write reports and manuscripts of research results in the form of a thesis or international or national publications.
  10. Able to create innovative and validated works as a result of research that are presented at international or national academic forums.

The Master’s Program in Physics is organized into two terms (semesters) per academic year, where one period typically spans 16 weeks of educational activities. To weigh the load of courses offered in a period, UI employs a credit unit system known as “SKS.”  One SKS is equivalent to a 1-hour (50-minute) lecture followed by 60 minutes of structured learning activity (e.g., assignments) and 60 minutes of independent learning activity per week.

The by-course track created the curriculum to yield professionals or experts in academia/research, industry, hospitals, and other multinational companies. The graduate from this track can learn and adapt quickly to the industrial work environment and solve problems in their work area by applying physical science and scientific thinking. During the 1st and 2nd semesters, the student takes compulsory and elective courses on a fundamental concept of physics and its application for doing research in 3rd and 4th semesters. In the 3rd semester, students could attend an international forum and publish their articles in proceedings indexed by Scopus. The student can also publish their paper in the national journal with Sinta rank minimal 2.  The paper can be produced as a part of their research or work in collaboration with the lecturer.  In the 4th semester, the student performs a complete research methodology starting from literature review, proposal, experiment, and writing.

To develop student interests, they can take specialization that can enrich their knowledge and skills in researching a thesis. There are five specializations in the Master Program in Physics as follows:

  1. Theoretical Nuclear Physics, Particles and Astrophysics
  2. Condensed Matter Physics
  3. Instrumentation Physics
  4. Reservoir Geophysics
  5. Geothermal Exploration

In the by-research track, the curriculum was designed to accommodate a robust basic competency for performing research in physics. This track facilitates researchers from research institutes to have the ability to create and carry out research in the field of physics and its applications. Starting from the 1st semester, the student begins with the literature review in the early semester period and presents a proposal at the end of the semester. In the 2nd  semester, the students present the progress result of their research and publish a paper. In this scientific publication, the student can publish in the international conference indexed by Scopus or minimal of Nation Journal with Sinta Index 2. In the 3rd semester, the student must submit their research result in an international journal indexed by Scopus or World of Science. In the 4th semester (final semester), the student performs thesis writing and presents the final research result in the thesis examination.

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