Selected Publications
- D. Triyono, Y. Yunida, and R. A. Rafsanjani, Effect of Heat Treatment on Structural, Magnetic and Electrical Properties of La2FeMnO6, Materials 14 (24), 7501 (2021).
- D.Triyono, R. W.Utami, H. Laysandra, R. A.Susilo, Structural, magnetic and electrical properties of La1-xMgxFeO3 perovskites, Ceramics International (2021).
- D. Triyono, F. Fajriyani, U. Hanifah and R. A. Rafsanjani, Characterizing temperature dependent complex electrical impedance analysis of LaFe1−x ZnxO3(x = 0.03, 0.05, and 0.07) ceramics, Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 10, 2050031 (2020).
- Suwarsono, D. Triyono, M. R. Khomarudin, and Rokhmatuloh, Surface temperature changes of the crater of Agung Volcano from Landsat-8 TIRS during 2017-2018 eruption, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012052 (2020)
- I. Prasasti, K. I. N. Rahmi, J. T. Nugroho, J. Sitorus, R. Arief, D. Triyono, and Suwarsono, Detecting the burned area in southern Kalimantan by using the sentinel-1 polarimetric SAR and landsat-8 OLI optic, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012048 (2020)
- R. W. Utami and D. Triyono, Impedance analysis of magnesium substituted lanthanum in LaFeO3 perovskite, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020022 (2020)
- U. Hanifah and D. Triyono, Dielectric properties enhancement of Mg-doped LaFeO3 perovskite materials at room temperature, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020004 (2020)
- F. Fajriyani and D. Triyono, Effect of Zr doped Bi site in bismuth ferrite on crystal structure and optical bandgap, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020021 (2020)
- I. Purnamasari and D. Triyono, Structural and impedance spectroscopy analysis of LaFe1-xZrxO3 ceramics at room temperature, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020015 (2020)
- A. Aflahannisa and D. Triyono, Effect of zirconium substitution on B site bismuth ferrite (BiFe1-xZrxO3, x = 0.01, 0.03 and 0.05): Structural and optical properties, AIP Conference Proceedings 2242, 020018 (2020)
- D. Triyono, S. N. Fitria, and U. Hanifah, Dielectric analysis and electrical conduction mechanism of La1−xBixFeO3ceramics, RSC Advances 10, 18323-18338 (2020)
- D. Triyono, I. Purnamasari, and R. A. Rafsanjani, Effect of the zr-substitution on the structural and electrical properties of LaFeO3: XRD, raman scattering, SEM, and impedance spectroscopy study, Crystals 10, 399 (2020)
- H. Laysandra, D. Triyono, H. L. Liu, and R. A. Rafsanjani, Systematic study of phase-formation and lattice structure of La0.9Sr0.1Fe1-xMoxO3 synthesized through the sol-gel method, Ceramics International 46, 9751-9757 (2020)
- U. Hanifah, D. Triyono, and D. Y. Jufri, Effect of titanium substitution on the structural and optical properties of lanthanum orthoferrite nanoparticles, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012059 (2020)
- Y. D. Susanti, D. Triyono, and R. Saleh, The photo-, sono-, and sonophoto-catalytic activity of an LaMnO3/TiO2/graphene composite for degrading methylene blue in wastewater, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012068 (2020)
- Y. Supriyadi, D. Triyono, S. K. Lukmana, Structural and optical properties of La1-xPbxFe0.5Ti0.5O3 (x = 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3) perovskite material prepared by sol-gel method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012063 (2020)
- D. Triyono, U. Hanifah, and H. Laysandra, Structural and optical properties of Mg-substituted LaFeO3 nanoparticles prepared by a sol-gel method, Result in Physics 16, 102995 (2020)
- D. Triyono, A. Akbar, and H. Laysandra, Annealing-temperature dependence of the electrical properties of Ba0.8Pb0.2TiO3 as a PTC material, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1442, 012012 (2020)
- E. Yeceu, H. Laysandra, and D. Triyono, Effect of Sr substitution on electrical polarization of Ba1-xSrxTiO3 (x = 0.0, 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8) perovskite materials, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1442, 012020 (2020)
- D. Triyono, B. Betria, and H. Laysandra, Effect of Fe doping on the electrical properties of BaTiO3 crystalline materials at room temperature, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1442, 012006 (2020)
- D. Dona, H. Laysandra, and D. Triyono, Room-temperature electrical properties of the double perovskite material Sr2FeTiO6 synthesized by the solid-state method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1442, 012015 (2020)
- D. Triyono, H. Laysandra. L. Liu, Structural, optical, and dielectric studies of LaFe1−xMoxO3 (x=0.0,0.5) perovskite materials, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 30, 2512-2522 (2019).
- D. Triyono, Y. Supriyadi and H. Laysandra, Investigation on electrical conductivity and dielectric property of La0.8 Pb0.2(Fe,Ti)0.5 O3 ceramic nanoparticles, Journal of Advanced Dielectrics 2019 (accepted, online ready).
- R. Sato Turtelli, D. Triyono, R. Grössinger, H. Sassik, J. Fidler, T. Matthias, G. Badurek, C. Dewhurst, W. Steiner, G. Wiesinger, The microstructure of Nd-Fe, Co-Al, Materials Science and Engineering: A 375-377, 1129-1132 (2004).
- R. Sato Turtelli, J.P. Sinnecker, W. Steiner, G. Wiesinger, R. Grössinger, D. Triyono, Non-equilibrium magnetic properties of melt-spun Nd60Fe30Al10 alloys, Physica B: Condensed Matter 327, 198-201 (2003).
- R. Sato Turtelli, D. Triyono, R. Grössinger, H. Michor, J. H. Espina, J. P. Sinnecker, H. Sassik, J. Eckert, G. Kumar, Z. G. Sun, and G. J. Fan, Coercivity mechanism in Nd60Fe30Al10 and Nd60Fe20Co10Al10 alloys, Phys. Rev. B 66, 054441 (2002).
- D. Triyono, R. Sato Turtelli, R. Grössinger, H. Michor, K.R. Pirota, M. Knobel, H. Sassik, T. Mathias, S. Höfinger, J. Fidler, Temperature dependence of hysteresis loops and AC-susceptibility of as-cast and annealed Nd60Fe30Al10 hard magnetic alloy, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 242-245, 1321-1324 (2002).