Brief Profile
Prof. Dr. Ariadne Juwono is one of the staf members in the Department of Physics, FMIPA University of Indonesia. She was graduated from Physics, ITB. She received her master degree from University of South Australia in the Material Engineering specification, whereas her Ph.D. was from Monash University. She was actively participating as a referee of the L’Oreal Women in Science competition sponsored by UNESCO, Dikti, and L’oreal in 2008, as well as in the Young Researcher Contestorganized by LIPI in 2011.
Her current research interest includes Material Sciences and Nano Composites. The title of her dissertation is Fatigue and Fracture of Clay / Epoxy Nanocomposites, with Prof. G. Edward as a co-promoter. For her achievement and contribution in physics Dr. Juwono has been awarded with several prizes including the Best Researcher in Sciences from the University of Indonesia in 1997.
Selected Publications
[See publication in Scopus or Google Scholar]
- Sudarmanto, A. L. Juwono, Subyakto, I. Budiman, M. A. R. Lubis, S. S. Kusumah, W. B. Kusumaningrum, D. S. Adi, Effect of cold-water treatment and hydrothermal carbonization of oil-palm-trunk fibers on compatibility with cement for the preparation of cement-bonded particleboard, Wood Material Science & Engineering (2021).
- O. F. Muslim, A. L. Juwono, D. Novriadi, Physical Properties of Polyethylene and Ethylene Vinyl Acetate Foam Mixtures, Materials Science Forum 1028, 255-262 (2021).
- E. Arfiansyah, A. L. Juwono, Thermal Modification by High Speed In Situ Mixing for Nanoparticles TiO2 and SDS Surfactant to Paraffin Based PCM Nano Enhanced Composite, Materials Science Forum 1028, 240-248 (2021).
- A. Juwono, G. Edward, Fatigue Performance of Clay-Epoxy Nanocomposites, International Journal of Nanoscience 4, 501 (2005)
- A. Juwono, G. Edward, Mechanism of Fatigue Failure of Clay Epoxy Nanocomposites, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12, 3943-3946 (2006).
- A. L. Juwono, R. Sihombing, Y. K. Krisnandi, Sutarno, H. Subawi, N. Chitraningrum, The Application of Tapanuli Clay as Nanofiller in Nanocomposites: Synthesis and Their Characterization, International Journal of Modern Physics B 24, 148 -156 (2010).
- B. J. H. Jun and A. L. Juwono, Comparative Study of Mechanical Properties and Structures between As-received and Recycled Polypropylenes, Makara of Science Series 14, 95 -100 (2010).
- R. Adawiyah, Ariadne L. Juwono, dan S. Roseno, Tapanuli Organoclay Addition into Linear Low Density Polyethylene-pineapple Fibre Composites, Proceeding of the Asia – Pacific Physcs Symposium 2010, ITB Bandung 2010.
- A. L. Juwono, S. Roseno, A. H. S. Wargadipura, and A. Rahman, The Synthesis of Pacitan Clay and Its Application in Layered Silicate Polypropylene-based Nanocomposites, Proceeding of the 7th Australasia Conference on Composite Materials, Taipei 2010.
- A. L. Juwono, S. Roseno, A. T. Agnelia, The application of Bentone as Nanofiller in Polypropylene Nanocomposites, Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 12, 110 – 113 (2011).