Prof. Djarwani S. Soejoko is one of the few senior faculties in the Department of Physics, University of Indonesia. She was born in Salatiga on June 16., 1945. She received her bachelor and master degrees from the University of Indonesia in the field of physics of materials. She obtained her Ph.D. in the field of biophysics from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), with the dissertation titled “A study on the composition and structure of mineral compounds in the cuticle of macrobrachium rosenbergii and penaeus monodon and their evolutions during the moulting period”.
Prof. Djarwani S. Soejoko is still active in research and teaching as well as tutoring the students in the field of medical physics. She has published a number of publications in her field in the national and international journals. She is the founder of the Medical Physics Physics divison in the Department of Physics. For her service and dedication she has been awarded with the “Satya Lencana Karya 30 Years”.
Selected Publications
- L. E. Lubis, R. A. Basith, I. Hariyati, D. Ryangga, T. Mart, H. Bosmans, D. S. Soejoko, Novel phantom for performance evaluation of contrast-enhanced 3D rotational angiography, Physica Medica 90, 91–98 (2021).
- K. T. Wigati, N. W. Marshall, K. Lemmens, J. Binst, A. Jacobs, L. Cockmartin, G. Zhang, L. Vancoillie, D. Petrov, D. A. N. Vandenbroucke, D. S. Soejoko, H. Bosmans, On the relevance of modulation transfer function measurements in digital mammography quality control, Journal of Medical Imaging 8, 023505 (2021).
- Lubis, L. E., I. Hariyati, D. Ryangga, I. A. S. Mu’minah, T. Mart, and D. S. Soejoko. Construction and Evaluation of a Multipurpose Performance Check Phantom for Computed Tomography, Atom Indonesia 46, 69-75 (2020).
- Lestariningsih, I., and D. S. Soejoko. “Distribution dose profile of Computed Tomography (CT) along the z-axis with pitch variation: in-house phantom study.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1568, no. 1, p. 012022. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Mar’ie, K., I. Lestariningsih, and D. S. Soejoko. “Phantom design for analysis of CT image quality from Single-source and Dual-source CT scan.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1568, no. 1, p. 012019. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Muharam, R., I. Lestariningsih, and D. S. Soejoko. “Designing phantom in-house for quick check computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR) system.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1568, no. 1, p. 012023. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Wahyuni, W. S., P. Prajitno, and D. S. Soejoko. “Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) to Detect Abnormality on CT Image of Liver.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012005. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Yuliansyah, M. L. E., P. Prajitno, and D. S. Soejoko. “Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) to Detect Abnormalities in Lung Pediatric Radiography using Particle Swarm Optimization Method.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012003. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Kurniawan, E., P. Prajitno, and D. S. Soejoko. “Computer-Aided Detection of Mediastinal Lymph Nodes using Simple Architectural Convolutional Neural Network.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012018. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Rafliansyah, A., and D. S. Soejoko. “Evaluation of conformal radiotherapy treatment planning of breast cancer patients: Preliminary case study patients from Persahabatan Central Hospital.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012025. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Kusumawardani, Y., P. Prajitno, and D. S. Soejoko. “Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) to Detect Brain Abnormality from PET Image using Artificial Neural Network (ANN).” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012002. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Rafliansyah, A., and D. S. Soejoko. “Beam spot position measurement using corotational penumbra modulation and image center shift methods.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012022. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Saputra, A., P. Prajitno, and D. S. Soejoko. “Comparison of Dose Volume Histogram (DVH) of Simulated Object Calculated by Analytically and Treatment Planning System (TPS): Preliminary Study.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012024. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Saragih, Y., I. Lestariningsih, I. A. Mu’minah, and D. S. Soejoko. “Recognizing Intrapulmonary Lymph Node (IPLN) and Lymph Node in Soft Tissue Image from Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) and Standard Dose Computed Tomography (SDCT): Study Using CIRS Phantom.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012043. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Ardiatna, W., N. G. Pratiwi, S. A. Pawiro, K. T. Wigati, and D. S. Soejoko. “Influence of Various Setup Parameters on Scattered Fraction in Interventional Cardiology.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012042. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Mu’minah, I. A. S., N. R. Hidayati, P. Widodo, R. Shintawati, and D. S. Soejoko. “Investigation of Image Quality for Quantitative Lu-177 in SPECT imaging: A Phantom Study.” In Journal of Physics: Conference Series, vol. 1505, no. 1, p. 012048. IOP Publishing, 2020.
- Pawiro, S. A., A. Azzi, and D. S. Soejoko. “A Monte Carlo Study of Photon Beam Characteristics on Various Linear Accelerator Filters.” Journal of Biomedical Physics and Engineering (2020).
- Pratiwi, N. G., W. Ardiatna, S. A. Pawiro, K. T. Wigati, D. S. Soejoko, The optimization of radiation protection to interventional cardiologists, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1434, (2020) .
- L. E. Lubis, L. A. Craig, H. Bosmans, D. S. Soejoko, Task-based phantom evaluation of cardiac catheterization imaging modes, Physica Medica 46, 114–123 (2018).
- K.T. Wigati, L. Cockmartin, N. Marshall, D.S. Soejoko, and H. Bosmans, Towards a Phantom for Multimodality Performance Evaluation of Breast Imaging: A 3D Structured Phantom with Simulated Lesions Tested for 2D Digital Mammography, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9699, 243-253 (2016).
- W. H. Round , S. Jafari, T. Kron, H. A. Azhari, S. Chhom, Y. Hu, G. F. Mauldon, K. Y. Cheung, T. Kuppusamy, S. A. Pawiro, L. E. Lubis, D. S. Soejoko, F. Haryanto, M. Endo, Y. Han, T. S. Suh, K. H. Ng, A. Luvsan-Ish, S. O. Maung, P. P. Chaurasia, S. M. A. Jafri, S. Farrukh, A. Peralta, H. J. Toh, S. Sarasanandarajah, A. C. Shiau, A. Krisanachinda, S. Suriyapee, S. Vinijsorn, T. C. Nguyen, Brief histories of medical physics in Asia-Oceania, Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine 38, 381-398 (2015).
- Lukmanda Evan Lubis, Ika Bayuadi, Supriyanto Ardjo Pawiro, Kwan-Hoong Ng, Hilde Bosmans, Djarwani Soeharso Soejoko, Optimization of dose and image quality of paediatric cardiac catheterization procedure, Physica Medica 31, 659-668 (2015).
- T. Kron, H.A. Azhari, E.O. Voon, K.Y. Cheung, P. Ravindran, D. Soejoko, K. Inamura, Y. Han, N.M. Ung, L. Bold, U.M. Win, R. Srivastava, J. Meyer, S. Farrukh, L. Rodriguez, M. Kuo, J.C.L. Lee, A. Kumara, C.C. Lee, A. Krisanachinda, X.C. Nguyen, K.H. Ng, Medical physics aspects of cancer care in the Asia Pacific region: 2011 survey results, Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 8, 1-11 (2012).
- T. Kron, K.Y. Cheung, J. Dai, P. Ravindran, D. Soejoko, K. Inamura, J.Y. Song, L. Bold, R. Srivastava, L. Rodriguez, T.J. Wong, A. Kumara, C.C. Lee, A. Krisanachinda, X.C. Nguyen, K.H. Ng, Medical physics aspects of cancer care in the Asia Pacific region, Biomedical Imaging and Intervention Journal 4, 33 (2008). DOI: 10.2349/biij.4.3.e33
- D. S. Soejoko and M. O. Tjia, Infrared spectroscopy and X ray diffraction study on the morphological variations of carbonate and phosphate compounds in giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) skeletons during its moulting period, Journal of Materials Science 38, 2087-2093 (2003).