Selected Publications
- H. Irwandi, M. S. Rosid, and T. Mart, Efects of Climate change on temperature and precipitation in the Lake Toba region, Indonesia, based on ERA5‑land data with quantile mapping bias correction, Scientific Reports 13, 2542 (2023).
- H. Irwandi, M. S. Rosid, and T. Mart, The effects of ENSO, climate change and human activities on the water level of Lake Toba, Indonesia: a critical literature review, Geoscience Letters 8, 21 (2021).
- M. S. Rosid, R. A. Prastama, M. Yusuf, Y. Daud, and A. Riyanto, Monitoring of Jakarta Subsidence Applying 4D Microgravity Survey Between 2014 and 2018, International Journal of GEOMATE 20, 79, 132-138 (2021).
- M. S. Rosid, Y. Muliandi, and Al Hafeez, Pore Type Inversion and S-Wave Velocity Estimation for the Characterization of Salawati Carbonate Reservoir, Indonesian Journal on Geoscience 8, 1, 131-146 (2021).
- M. S. Rosid and C. B. Saraswati, Implementation 3D Inversion of Gravity Data to Identify Potential Hydrocarbon Reservoir Zones in West Timor Basin, Sains Malaysiana 49, 9, 2065-2072 (2020).
- M. S. Rosid, R. A. Kurnia, and M. W. Haidar, Estimation of 3D Carbonate Reservoir Permeability and Interparticle Porosity Based on Rock Types Distribution Model, International Journal of GEOMATE 19, 74, 59–65 (2020).
- M. S. Rosid, N. N. Tullailah, and R. A. Wibowo, Identifikasi Potensi Jebakan Hidrokarbon di Daerah “X” Sedimen Pra-Tersier Cekungan Sumatra Utara Menggunakan Data Gravitasi dan Seismik, Jurnal Fisika 10, 1, 8- 21 (2020).
- M. S. Rosid,T. A. Faurie, and A. A. Aspari, Karakterisasi Reservoar Batuan Serpih Menggunakan Simultaneous Inversion di Lapangan “TAF”, Formasi Baong Bawah, Cekungan Sumatra Utara, Jurnal Fisika 9, 2, 69-79 (2019).
- K. N. Yudyawati and M. S. Rosid, Identification the Jakarta Fault using MS-SVD (Multi Scale – Second Vertical Derivatives) Method Gravity Data, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012044 (2020)
- M. A. Naufal and M. S. Rosid, Structure identification of geothermal field “x” using ML-SVD method of gravity data, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012055 (2020)
- M. F. Khoir and M. S. Rosid, Identification of Potential Distribution of Gold Mineralization Zone of High Sulfidation Epithermal System using Time-Domain Induced Polarization (TDIP) and Magnetic Method at “n” Mountain Qrea, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012056 (2020)
- M. S. Rosid and J. Andrian, Mapping of basement layer in field “x” petroleum system using ESA – MWT technique gravity data, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012067 (2020)
- D. Andrian, M. S. Rosid, and M. R. Septyandy, Pore Pressure Prediction using Anfis Method on Well and Seismic Data Field “ayah”, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012041 (2020)
- R. Widyarta, S. K. Wijaya, M. S. Rosid, and S. Rohadi, Identification of Fault Structure in Lombok region, West Nusa Tenggara using Tomography Lombok Earthquake Data of July-August 2018, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012054 (2020)
- M. S. Rosid, R. Widyarta, T. Karima, S. K. Wijaya, and S. Rohadi, Fault Plane Estimation Through Hypocentres Distribution of the July-August 2018 Lombok Earthquakes Relocated by using Double Difference Method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012053 (2020)
- T. Karima, S. K. Wijaya, M. S. Rosid, S. Rohadi, and Y. H. Perdana, Characterization of Lombok Earthquakes on July-August 2018 using Focal Mechanism Analysis, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 854, 012042 (2020)
- R. P. Hertiansa and M. S. Rosid, Horizontal gradient analysis of gravity data for subsurface fluid flow identification (case study: Cilincing, north jakarta), Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1524, 012012 (2020)
- M. Farhan and M. S. Rosid, Identification of subsurface fluid flow using the 2D geoelectric method in Marunda, North Jakarta, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1524, 012010 (2020)
- Sugiarto, S. K. Wijaya, and M. S. Rosid, Design of Sunda Straits automatic water level station network, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1502, 012029 (2020)
- Y. R. Hendryan, M. S. Rosid, and Haryono, Hydrocarbon Reservoir Characterization of ‘Y’ Field in Kutai Basin East Kalimantan Using Artificial Neural Network Method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1494, 012035 (2020)
- M. Al MacKy, M. S. Rosid, and A. P. Jaman, Mapping of gold mineralization using 3D inversion magnetic data at Zone X, West Java, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1494, 012034 (2020)
- R. G. Simanjorang, M. S. Rosid, A. S. Sembiring, Daryono, and N. Heryandoko, Cimandiri Fault Identification Using Earthquake Tomography Double-Difference Method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1494, 012044 (2020)
- M. S. Rosid, I. A. Riska, and A. P. Jaman, 3D inversion modelling of gravity data to identify gold mineralization zones in region “x”, Pongkor, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012049 (2020)
- R. P. Sinaga, M. S. Rosid, and I. Ramadhan, Delineation of the permeable zone using microearthquake data in the geothermal field R, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012048 (2020)
- I. Debora, M. S. Rosid, and A. Riyanto, Characterization of sandstone reservoir field “q” sub-basin Jambi using the extended elastic impedance seismic inversion method, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012042 (2020)
- M. S. Rosid, N. I. Sari, and A. P. Jaman, Identification of gold mineralization zone in “gB” field, Jambi, Indonesia using 3D inversion magnetic data, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012052 (2020)
- P. A. Sekararum and M. S. Rosid, Characterization of natural fracture on basement reservoir using the integration of ant tracking attribute, FMI log, and resistivity log at “pOME”field, Jambi sub basin, AIP Conference Proceedings 2223, 040002 (2020)
- E. N. Putri, M. S. Rosid, and H. Haryanto, Gas field evaluation in “eD” field offshore Mahakam Delta, Kutai Basin using geostatistic inversion method compare to deterministic method, AIP Conference Proceedings 2223, 040007 (2020)
- I. D. G. A. Putra, M. S. Rosid, A. Sopaheluwakan, and Y. C. U. Sianturi, The CMIP5 projection of extreme climate indices in Indonesia using simple quantile mapping method, AIP Conference Proceedings 2223, 050008 (2020)
- Y. H. Ali, M. S. Rosid, and M. Ramdhan, The Possibly of the November-December 2018 earthquakes caused by hydrothermal in the Mamasa and surrounding areas derived by the earthquake relocation data, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 451, 012012 (2020)
- M. S. Rosid, R. A. Kurnia, and M. W. Haidar, Estimation of 3d carbonate reservoir permeability and interparticle porosity based on rock types distribution model, International Journal of GEOMATE 19, 59-65 (2020)
- Indah Permata Sari, Syamsu Rosid, and Eko Widianto, A Comparison of Filtering Method for Regional and Residual Field Separation from Bouguer Anomaly, Proceedings of 6th Kentingan Physics Forum, International Conference on Physics and Its Applications (ICOPIA), 3 Oct. 2012, UNS Solo, p. 241-250.
- Syamsu Rosid, The Seismoelectric Method to Map Changes in Salinity and Hydraulic Permeability, Prosiding PIT HAGI ke 37, Palembang, 10-13 September 2012.
- Syamsu Rosid, Ramadoni N. Koesnodo dan Prabowo, Estimasi Aliran Air Lindi TPA Bantar Gebang Bekasi Menggunakan Metoda SP, Jurnal Fisika, Universitas Negeri Semarang, hlm. 1-5 (2011).
- Syamsu Rosid, dan Ramadoni N. Koesnodo, Deteksi Pencemaran Air Lindi di Desa Taman Rahayu, Bekasi dengan Metode Geolistrik Wenner-Schlumberger, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fisika Universitas Andalas 2011 (SNFUA 2011), Jurusan Fisika Unand, Padang, 15 Oktober 2011.
- Syamsu Rosid dan Benny Irawan, Aplikasi Transformasi Hartley pada Analisa Kontinuasi Data Gravitasi dan Geomagnet, Prosiding Seminar Nasional HFI 2011, Universitas Soedirman, Purwokerto, 9 April 2011.
- Syamsu Rosid, dan Evy Rosa, Fault Determination Using Gravity Anomaly Data Singkarak Area, West Sumatra, Proceeding of 2nd Basic Science International Conference, FMIPA-UB, Malang, 24-25 Februari 2012.
- Supriyanto Suparno, YunusDaud, Syamsu Rosid, DedeDjuhana, Yayan Sofyan, New Interpretation of DC Resistivity Data in the Sibayak Geothermal Field, Indonesia, Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress, 2010.