



since 1982

Chairman of the Specialization: Dr. M. Syamsu Rosid

The only department at the University of Indonesia which is conducting research and education in the subsurface earth science is the Department of Physics. In this Department, Geophysics is one of its specializations. Geophysics is the study of the earth based on the Physics principles, including mechanics, waves, electromagnetic, and heat.

Understanding of the basics of physics is given from first semester to fourth semester. Beginning at fifth semester, the students will be introduced and taught basic geology and structural geology.


The geophysics specialization was developed in 1982, although the Department of Physics itself has been established since 1961. The development of the curriculum and research in Geophysics Specialization is more focused on exploration aspects, both in seismic and potential geophysics, so that it is more oriented to the development of geophysical applications for oil and gas exploration, geothermal exploration and mining.

Our Goal

This specialization aims to produce competent graduates in Geophysical Exploration (Data Acquisition, Processing, Data Analysis and Interconnection), which is based on strengthening of the aspects of Basic Concepts of Geosciences, Numerical Computing and Direct Applications in the field in Oil and Gas Exploration, Geothermal, Coal and Minerals.


The graduates should have competence in: Geology, Numerical Computing (Matlab, Fortran, etc.), Geoelectric and Electromagnetic Methods, Gravity Methods, Geomagnetic Methods, Seismic Methods, Geophysical Instruments, Petroleum Exploration, Geothermal Exploration and Mining Geophysics.


The laboratory facilities for geophysical students include Geophysics & Geophysical Modeling Laboratories.

Member of this Specialization


The Geophysics Specialization has been cooperating with a number of government and private institutions in the field of research and education (job training and final assignment), including:

  • PT. Pertamina (Persero)
  • PT. Total Oil Indonesia (Balikpapan)
  • Chevron
  • PT. Elnusa Tbk
  • PT. Antam (Persero) Tbk
  • PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
  • Star Energy
  • Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi,
  • Badan Geologi Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG)
  • Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)


Chairman of the Specialization: Dr. M. Syamsu Rosid

The only department at the University of Indonesia which is conducting research and education in the subsurface earth science is the Department of Physics. In this Department, Geophysics is one of its specializations. Geophysics is the study of the earth based on the Physics principles, including mechanics, waves, electromagnetic, and heat.

Understanding of the basics of physics is given from first semester to fourth semester. Beginning at fifth semester, the students will be introduced and taught basic geology and structural geology.

The geophysics specialization was developed in 1982, although the Department of Physics itself has been established since 1961. The development of the curriculum and research in Geophysics Specialization is more focused on exploration aspects, both in seismic and potential geophysics, so that it is more oriented to the development of geophysical applications for oil and gas exploration, geothermal exploration and mining.

This specialization aims to produce competent graduates in Geophysical Exploration (Data Acquisition, Processing, Data Analysis and Interconnection), which is based on strengthening of the aspects of Basic Concepts of Geosciences, Numerical Computing and Direct Applications in the field in Oil and Gas Exploration, Geothermal, Coal and Minerals.

The graduates should have competence in: Geology, Numerical Computing (Matlab, Fortran, etc.), Geoelectric and Electromagnetic Methods, Gravity Methods, Geomagnetic Methods, Seismic Methods, Geophysical Instruments, Petroleum Exploration, Geothermal Exploration and Mining Geophysics.

The laboratory facilities for geophysical students include Geophysics & Geophysical Modeling Laboratories.

The Geophysics Specialization has been cooperating with a number of government and private institutions in the field of research and education (job training and final assignment), including:

  • PT. Pertamina (Persero)
  • PT. Total Oil Indonesia (Balikpapan)
  • Chevron
  • PT. Elnusa Tbk
  • PT. Antam (Persero) Tbk
  • PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy
  • Star Energy
  • Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi,
  • Badan Geologi Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG)
  • Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT)


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