Dr. Suhardjo Poertadji is a senior lecturer and researcher in the Department of Physics, University of Indonesia. He was born in Yogyakarta on July 7, 1950. He received his Ph.D. in the field of Materials Physics from University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France with the title of dissertation “Dynamigue de spins Electronigues dans un Systeme Unidimensional a Couplage Ferromagnetigue”. His specific expertise is Materials Physics, Paramagnetism, Materials Paramagnetic, Superconductor, and Ionic Conduction
He has written a number of national and international papers, one of which is “ESR in al D System with a ferromagnetic Coupling” published in Physique Lett. 44, 561 (1983). He has also received several awards including the “Satyalancana Karya” in 2001 and “Award for International Scientific Journal” in 1997 and 1999
Selected Publications
- Poertadji, Suhardjo, Lingga Hermanto, and Budhy Kurniawan. “Prediksi Kualitatifmaturitas Materialorganik di dalam Sedimen Sumur Minyak Bumi dengan Resonansi Spin Elektron.” Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 6, no. 2 (2018): 1-6.
- Poertadji, Suhardjo, Nukman Nukman, and Muhammad Hikam. “Pengaruh Aglomerasi Air-minyak Sawit terhadap Kadar Karbon dan Nilai Kalori Batubara Semi-antrasit, bituminus dan Sub-bituminus.” Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 7, no. 3 (2018): 68-74.
- Nukman, Nukman, and Suhardjo Poertadji. “Pengurangan Kadar Abu dan Sulfur pada Batubara Sub Bituminus dengan Metode Aglomerasi Air-minyak Sawit.” Jurnal Sains Materi Indonesia 7, no. 3 (2018): 31-36.
- Y. E. Gunanto, W. A. Adi, S. Poertadji, T. Ono, H. Tanaka, E. Steven, Phase Transitions in La0.73Ca0.27Mn1-xCuxO3 (0 < X < 0.19), International Journal of Technology 8(1), 66-75 (2017).
- Setiawan, Jan, S. Pribadi, Sigit Pranjono, and S. Poertadji. “Study on nonwoven composites from polycarbosilane with addition of SiC powder.” International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences 15, no. 2 (2015).
- Wuryanti, Sri, Suhardjo Poertadji, and Bambang Soegijono. “The Effect of Mixing Time on the Morphology and Mechanical Properties of Imperata cylindrica Cellulose.” In Advanced Materials Research, vol. 1123, pp. 135-139. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2015.
- Setiawan, Jan, Slamet Pribadi, and Suhardjo Poertadji. “Study on Morphology of Electrospun SiOC Fibers.” In Advanced Materials Research, vol. 1123, pp. 223-226. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2015.
- Ermawan, Erwin, and Suhardjo Poertadji. “Thermoelectric properties enhancement of NaCo2O4 through Ca atom partial substitution on Na atom.” In Advanced Materials Research, vol. 1123, pp. 140-144. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2015.
- Setiawan, Jan, S. Fatimah, Suhardjo Poertadji, and U. Sudjadi. “Characterization of Electrospinning Polycarbosilane Fiber with the Concentration of N, N-Dimethylformamide 22%, 24%, 26%, 28% and 30%.” In Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 621, pp. 44-49. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2014.
- Sri, Wuryanti, S. U. H. A. R. D. J. O. Poertadji, B. A. M. B. A. N. G. Soegijono, and Nasution Henry. “Experimental investigation on the thermal insulation properties of EIC-Cellulose.” In Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol. 554, pp. 322-326. Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2014.
- Y. E. Gunanto, A. Purwanto, B. Kurniawan, S. Poertadji, A. Fajar, H. Mugirahardjo, and W. A. Adi, The Influence of Cu\u2010doping on the Structural and Magnetic Properties of La(0.73)Ca(0.27)Mn(1-x)Cu(x)O(3) (0 < x < 0.19), AIP Conference Proceedings 1415, 148-151 (2011).
- Seruni K. U. Freisleben, Jenny Hidayat, Hans-Joachim Freisleben, Soehardjo Poertadji, Budi Kurniawan, Na Peng. Bo, Sri Handayani, Pustika A. Wahidiyat, Rondang R. Soegianto, Plasma lipid pattern and red cell membrane structure in β-thalassemia patients in Jakarta, Medical Journal of Indonesia 20, 178-184 (2011).
- Kurniawan, Supiyanto B., Sunarno I. Sugihartono, J. Jamaludin, L. Hermanto, S. Soejati, S. Soeyati, and S. Poertadji. “Magnetic properties study of coal oxidation process.” In Materials Science Forum, vol. 437, pp. 495-498. Trans Tech Publications Ltd., Zurich-Uetikon, Switzerland, 2003.
- S. Poertadji, G. Ablart, J. Pescia, S. Clément et A. Cheik-Rouhou, ESR in a 1D-system with a ferromagnetic coupling, J. Physique Lett. 44, 561-566 (1983).
DOI: 10.1051/jphyslet:019830044013056100