Dr. Prawito is a member of the teaching and research staff at the Electronic and Instrumentation Physics of the Department of Physics, University of Indonesia. He was born in Pekalongan on July 21th, 1960. He received his Doctoral degree from University of Sheffield, England with the dissertation title Neurofuzzy Methods in Multisensor Data Fusion. He is now active in the research area of Artificial Intelligence and Embedded Systems.
Selected Publications
- A. Luqman Hakim and Prawito, Rain detection in image using convolutional neural network, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 0120101 (2020)
- R. Dewi, Prawito, H. Harsa, Fog prediction using artificial intelligence: A case study in Wamena Airport, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012021 (2020)
- M. M. Ramadhan, S. K. Wijaya, and P. Prajitno, Development of visual request system by using wireless EEG signal to help communication of patients suffering locked-in syndrome, AIP Conference Proceedings 2168, 020018 (2019)
- H. Hendarwin, P. Prajitno, S. K. Wijaya, EEG data acquisition system 32 channels with relative power ratio based on Raspberry Pi 3, AIP Conference Proceedings 2168, 020017 (2019)
- G. Widagdo, S. K. Wijaya and P. Prajitno, Design of Magnetic Induction tomography system using 12 transmitter and receiver coils, AIP Conference Proceedings 2168, 020015 (2019)
- K. Permana, S. K. Wijaya and P. Prajitno, Controlled wheelchair based on brain computer interface using Neurosky Mindwave Mobile 2, AIP Conference Proceedings 2168, 020022 (2019)
- A. A. Yusuf, S. K. Wijaya, and P. Prajitno, EEG-based human emotion recognition using k-NN machine learning, AIP Conference Proceedings 2168, 020020 (2019)
- I. Hidayat, I. D. Darpita, S. K. Wijaya, and P. Prajitno, The development of magnetoacoustic tomography system with current injection, AIP Conference Proceedings 2168, 020016 (2019)
- F. Y. Dewi, Wibisono, and Prawito, Design of Fan Beam Gamma Ray Tomography Scanning System, International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering: Emerging Innovative Technology for Sustainable Future 8981460, 70-74 (2019)
- F. A. Ferdiansyah, P. Prajitno, and S. K. Wijaya, Motor Imagery Classification of EEG for Elbow Movement Using SVM and PNN as Signal Classification, Proceedings – 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signals and Systems 8811068, 12-17 (2019)
- M. M. Ramadhan, S. K. Wijaya, and P. Prajitno, Classification of EEG Signals from Motor Imagery of Hand Grasp Movement Based on Neural Network Approach, Proceedings – 2019 IEEE International Conference on Signals and Systems 8811017, 92-96 (2019)
- A. Aida, P. Prajitno, and D. S. Soejoko, Comparison of SPECT quick QC between using in-house hot phantom and Jaszczak phantom: A preliminary study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012034 (2019)
- Wibisono, B. Azmi, S. K. Wijaya, Prawito, and F. R. Ningsih, Cross-Sectional Imaging of Tree Stem Density Distribution using Gamma-Ray Tomography Technique, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1198, 022012 (2019)
- S. Hafiz, P. Prajitno, and B. Widiyatmoko, Development of voltage balancing method for series connected batteries by combination of switched capacitor and modified shunting resistor methods with series connected diodes, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1191, 012030 (2019)
- J. Y. Chan, S. K. Wijaya, Prawito, and O. N. Rahma, ELM (extreme learning machine) method for detecting acute ischemic stroke using conventional and specific asymmetry BSI (brain symmetry index) features based on EEG signals, AIP Conference Proceedings 2092, 020023 (2019)
- R. Arif, S. K. Wijaya, P. Prajitno, and H. S. Gani, Development of electroencephalography (EEG) data acquisition system based on FPGA PYNQ, AIP Conference Proceedigs 2092, 020026 (2019)