Multiferroic Material Laboratory

Multiferroic Material Laboratory



Gedung F (Fisika), Lantai 1, Ruang.105
Departemen Fisika
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok
Phone: +62+21-7872609/10 | Fax: +62+21-7863441


1. Perlengkapan sintesa
2. Furnace
3. Pengukuran histerisis ferroelektrik


1. Electrodeposition of Paramagnetic Copper Film under Magnetic Field on Paramagnetic Aluminum Alloy Substrates (e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 18, 281-288)
2. Effect of Electrolyte Temperature on Properties of Nickel Film Coated onto Copper Alloy Fabricated by Electroplating (e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 18, 223-230)
3. Influence of Mangan on Structure and Corrosion Properties of Cobalt Chrome Molybdenum (Co-Cr-Mo) (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 694 (1), 012031)
4. Electrochemical behavior of austenitic stainless steel after heat treatment (AIP Conference Proceedings 2242 (1), 020009)
5. Structure, thermal and electrochemical behavior of lead free solder tin-zinc (AIP Conference Proceedings 2242 (1), 020014)
6. Characterization of bismuth in Sn-based as safe environment solder material (AIP Conference Proceedings 2242 (1), 020011)
7. Electrocatalytic Properties of Ni-Doped BaFe12O19 for Oxygen Evolution in Alkaline Solution (Open Chemistry 17 (1), 1382-1392)
8. Silicon carbide (SiC) effect on mechanical properties and corrosion rates on composite Al/SiC and Al-Cu/SiC (AIP Conference Proceedings 2169 (1), 060013)
9. The Impact of Aging Time on Structure and Corrosion Resistance of Aluminum 2091 Lithium Alloy for Aerospace Application (IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 694 (1), 012046)

People Behind

Dr. Bambang Soegijono

Head of Laboratory

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