Gedung F (Fisika), Lantai 1A, Ruang. 110A
Departemen Fisika
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok
Phone: +62+21-7872609/10 | Fax: +62+21-7863441
Gedung F (Fisika), Lantai 1A, Ruang. 110A
Departemen Fisika
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok
Phone: +62+21-7872609/10 | Fax: +62+21-7863441
1. Hyperspectral
2. High Resolution Camera
3. High Frame Rate Camera
4. Camera Work bench
5. Instrument Standard`
1. Identification system for beeswax on Malang apple using VNIR imaging (Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528 (1), 012037)
2. Examination system of chicken meat quality based on hyperspectral imaging (Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528 (1), 012045)
3. Automatic detection of volcanic ash from Himawari–8 satellite using artificial neural network (AIP Conference Proceedings 2202 (1), 020112)
4. Measurement system based on visible near infrared imaging for predicting honey electrical conductivity (AIP Conference Proceedings 2193 (1), 050018)
5. Study on Venation Visualization System Using Hyperspectral Images and Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier (2019 International Seminar on Research of Information Technology and Intelligent System pp,30-33)
6. Co-pigmentation of purple sweet potatos (ipomoea batatas l) anthocyanin extract using green tea extract (Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1317 (1), 012105)
7. Salt Content Prediction System of Dried Sea Cucumber (Beche-de-mer) Based on Visual Near-Infrared Imaging (2019 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS), 245-249)
8. Banana (Musa sp.) maturity prediction system based on chlorophyll content using visible-NIR imaging (2018 International Conference on Signals and Systems (ICSigSys), 64-68)
9. Soluble Solid Content Prediction System of Honey based on Spectral Transmittance Profile of Hyperspectral Imaging (2018 3rd International Seminar on Sensors, Instrumentation, Measurement and Metrology (ISSIMM) pp. 101-104)