Dr. rer. nat. Martarizal

Dr. rer. nat. Martarizal

Martarizal is member of teaching and research staff at the Department of Physics, University of Indonesia. He was born in Jakarta on May 28th, 1964. He received his Doctor rerum naturalium (Doctor of sciences) from Universitaet Giessen, Germany with the title of dissertation “Rechenergesteuerte Online Optimierung Flugzeitmassenspektrometer”. He is expert in the Virtual Instrument and Sensor.

Selected Publications

  1. G. B. Wanugroho, Martarizal, and R. M. Putra, Implementation of artificial neural networks for very short range weather prediction, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012039 (2020)
  2. A. M. M. B. Putra, Martarizal, and R. M. Putra, Prediction of PM2.5 and PM10 parameters using artificial neural network: A case study in Kemayoran, Jakarta, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012036 (2020)
  3. Martarizal, Rudi Indra Wijaya, Dodi Bayu Artaputra, Design & Implementation of KWH-meter’s Measurement Data Transmission to Processing-Server through SMS-media, Asian Physics Symposium, Asian Physics Symposium 2005.

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