I am a lecture at Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Indonesia. I have graduated from Doctor Program since 2010 from Department of Physics, Chungbuk National Univeristy, Cheongju, South Korea. My research focus on domain and domain wall investigation using micromagnetic simulation, such as OOMMF Program. Another, I have also studied optical simulation, such as MNPBEM for supporting experiment.
Academic information:
- NUP/NIDN: 030603016/0317127104
- Position : Professor (Guru Besar)
- H-index: Scopus 11
- ID Scopus: 26027849100
- Orcid ID: 0000-0002-2025-0782
- Sinta ID: 5975030
Correspond E-mail
- dede.djuhana@sci.ui.ac.id
- dede.djuhana@ui.ac.id
Selected Publications
- N. Yudasari, R. Anugrahwidya, D. Tahir, M. M. Suliyanti, Y. Herbani, C. Imawan, M. Khalil, D. Djuhana, Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine 6G (R6G) using ZnO–Ag nanoparticles synthesized by pulsed laser ablation in liquid (PLAL), Journal of Alloys and Compounds 886, 161291 (2021).
- C. Kurniawan, D. Djuhana, B. Soegijono, D.-H. Kim, Micromagnetic investigation of the sub-nanosecond magnetic pulse driven domain wall motion in CoFeB nanowire, Current Applied Physics 27, 98-102 (2021).
- M. Khalil, R. I. Pratama, M. Sujak, A. Garry, D. Djuhana, A. Umar, C. W. Lai, and B. M. Jan, Dependence of the photocatalytic reduction of bicarbonate to formic acid by Au–TiO2 on Au morphology and its plasmonic vibrational mode, Materials Chemistry and Physics 249, 123018 (2020)
- L. Rohman, E. Purwandari, I. Romadhony, and D. Djuhana, Magnetic Properties of FePt Material Influenced by Heat-Assisted Using Micromagnetic Simulation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1491, 012013 (2020)
- U. Fadhilah, C. Kurniawan, and D. Djuhana, Hysteresis loops observation of FePt and FePd square ferromagnets using micromagnetic simulation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012070 (2020)
- N. Fitria, M. Sujak, and D. Djuhana, The influence of gap spacing in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) spectra of Ag nanorod-coupled with end-to-end assembly using boundary element method, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012062 (2020)
- S. Hawibowo, C. Kurniawan, and D. Djuhana, Observation of the domain wall propagation in CoFe and CoFeB nanowires driven by sub-nanosecond magnetic pulse using micromagnetic, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012066 (2020)
- M. S. M. Kuddah, M. H. Putra, and D. Djuhana, The incident electrical field angle effect in localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) of bimetallic Ag-Au nanorod using MNPBEM simulation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012058 (2020)
- M. Sofani, M. H. Putra, and D. Djuhana, The sensitivity calculation of localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) Au nanorod by applying a boundary element system simulation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012076 (2020)
- Q. Mustaghfiroh, D. Djuhana, and C. Imawan, Hysteresis observation of CoFe and CoFeB model disk using micromagnetic simulation, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 763, 012073 (2020)
- I. Nolia, W. Handayani, K. Secario, D. Djuhana, and C. Imawan, Bioprospection of Diospyros discolor Willd. fruit for the biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012038 (2020)
- A. S. Ningrum, A. P. Pridyantari, W. Handayani, K. Secario, D. Djuhana, and C. Imawan, Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using leaf and stem bark extract of Pometia pinnata J.R. Forst & G. Forst, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012018 (2020)
- D. Sholawati, S. Syarifah, D. Djuhana, W. Handayani and C. Imawan, The role of pH in the biosynthesis of Fe3O4 nanoparticles prepared from Fe(III) nitrate and matoa leaf extract, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1442, 012010 (2020)
- P. A. Wiguna, D. Djuhana, C. Imawan, and A. Umar, Physicochemical properties of colloidal Ag/PVA nanoparticles synthesized by gamma irradiation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1428, 012022 (2020)
Micromagnetic study of the transitional behavior of the spin ground state for diamond-shaped ferromagnets with various aspect ratios Dede Djuhana, Hong-Guang Piao, Seong-Cho Yu, Suhk-Kun Oh, and Dong-Hyun Kim, Sae Mulli. 57, 81( 2008). Korean Physics Society
- Suppression of magnetization ringing after domain wall collision studied by micromagnetic simulation,: Dede Djuhana, Hong-Guang Piao, Sang Hyuk Lee, Su-Hyeong Jun, Je-Ho Shim, and Dong-Hyun Kim Journal of Magnetics. 13, 120 (2008).
- Domain wall propagation in wavy ferromagnetic nanowire: H.-G. Piao, J.-H. Shim, S.-H. Lee, D. Djuhana , S.-K. Oh, S.-C. Yu, and D.-H. Kim IEEE Trans. Magn. 45, 3926 (2009).
- Magnetic domain wall collision around the Walker breakdown in ferromagnetic nanowires:Dede Djuhana, Hong-Guang Piao, Seong-Cho Yu, Suhk Kun Oh, and Dong-Hyun Kim J. Appl. Phys. 106, 103926 (2009).
- Micromagnetic Simulation of Magnetic Domain Wall Dynamics in L-type Ferromagnetic Nanowire with Thickness Variationation, Hong-Guang Piao, Dede Djuhana, Sang-Hyuk Lee Je-Ho Shim, Su-Hyeong Jun, and Dong-Hyun Kim Sae Mulli 58, 715 (2009).
- Multibits magnetics recording using a ferromagnetic element with shifted vortex core position: Hong-Guang Piao, Dede Djuhana, Seong-Cho Yu, Suhk-Kun Oh, and Dong-Hyun Kim Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 052501 (2009).
- Asymmetry ground state spin configuration of transverse domain wall on symmetrically nocthed ferromagnetic nanowires: Dede Djuhana, H. -G. Piao, S. -H. Lee, D. -H. Kim, S. -M. Ahn, and S. -B. Choe The Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science and Technology, Volume 22, Issue 5, August 2, 2010.
- Asymmetry ground state spin configuration of transverse domain wall on symmetrically nocthed ferromagnetic nanowires Dede Djuhana, H. -G. Piao, S. -H. Lee, D. -H. Kim, S. -M. Ahn, and S. -B. Choe Appl. Phy. Lett. 97, 022511 (2010).
- Micromagnetic Simulation of Damped Oscillatory Behaviour of Domain Wall Propagation in Sinusoidal Ferromagnetic Nanowire: H.-G. Piao, J.-H. Shim, D. Djuhana, S.-H. Lee, S.-H. Jun, C.-M. Heo, S.-K. Oh, S.-C. Yu, and D.-H. Kim IEEE Trans. Magn. 46, 224 (2010).
- Spontaneous domain wall motion at zero external magnetic field in ferromagnetic nanowire:Dede Djuhana, Hong-Guang Piao, Je-Ho Shim, Sang-Hyuk Lee, Su-Hyeong Jun, Seong-Cho Yu, Suhk Kun Oh, and Dong-Hyun Kim IEEE Trans. Magn. 46, 217 (2010).
- Three-Dimensional Spin Configuration of Ferromagnetic Nanocube: H.-G. Piao, D. Djuhana, J.-H. Shim, S.-H. Lee, S.-H. Jun, S. K. Oh, S.-C. Yu, and D.-H. Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotech, 10, 7212-7216 (2010).
- Interaction of antiparallel transverse domain walls in ferromagnetic nanowires: D. Djuhana, H.-G. Piao, J.-H. Shim, S.-H. Lee, S. K. Oh, S.-C. Yu, and D.-H. Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotech, 11, 6237-6240 ( 2011) .
- Translational positioning of magnetic domain wall in ferromagnetic nanowires using stray field filter: H. -G. Piao, D. Djuhana, J. -H. Shim, S. -H. Lee, S. -C. Yu, S. K. Oh, S. -M. Ahn, S. -B. Choe, and D. -H. Kim J. Nanosci. Nanotech, 11, 6122-6125 ( 2011) .
- Depinning behavior of magnetic domain wall in ferromagnetic nanowires under magnetic thermal noise: Ma Xiao-Ping, Shim Je-Ho, Lee Sang-Hyuk, DJUHANA Dede, PAIO Hong-Guang, and KIM Dong-Hyun Journal China Science Bulletin (Chin. Sci. Bull) 58 , 28-29, pp 2927-2933 (China Version)
- Intrinsic pinning behavior and propagation onset of three dimensional Bloch-point domain wall in a cylindrical ferromagnetic nanowire: Hong-Guang Piao, Je-Ho Shim, Dede Djuhana and Dong-Hyun Kim Journal Applied Physics Letter 102, 112405 (2013)
- Oscillatory Transformative Domain Wall Inner Structure of Depinning Domain Wall Around Notched Ferromagnetic Wire D. Djuhana, B. Soegijono, H.-G.Piao, S. K. Oh, S. -C. Yu, and D. -H. Kim Journal Korean Physical Society Vol. 63 No. 3, August 2013, pp 654-658 (2013)
- Position-dependent spontaneous motion of the magnetic domain wall in ferromagnetic nanowires: Xiao-Ping Ma,Hong-Guang Piao,Je-Ho Shim,Dede Djuhana,and Dong-Hyun Kim Journal of Korean Physical Society, Vol. 62 Issue 2, pp 288-291 (2013)
- Micromagnetic Simulation on Ground State Domain Structures of Barium Hexaferrite ( BaFe12O19 ): D. Djuhana, D. Oktri C. C, and D. H. Kim Advanced Materials Research Vol.896 (2014) pp.414-417
- Micromagnetic Study on the Dynamic Susceptibility Spectra of Square-Patterned Ferromagnets: D.Djuhana, J. A. Kadir. A. T. Widodo and D.H. Kim Advanced Materials Research Vol.896 (2014) pp.410-413
- Micromagnetic simulation dynamics of susceptibility spectrum in diamond-shaped ferromagnetics Ismail, Djuhana, D., Kim, D.-H AIP Conference Proceedings 1589,200202 (2014)
- Numerical study of the plasmonic resonance sensitivity silver nanoparticles coated polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) using Bohren-Huffman-Mie (BHMie) approximation D. Djuhana, M. H. Putra, C. Imawan, V. Fauzia, A. Harmoko, W. Handayani, and H. Ardani AIP Conference Proceedings 1729, 020023 (2016)
- The polarization and distance effect of the double sphere silver nanoparticles to local surface plasmon resonance using boundary element approximation Djuhana, D., Farishi, S., Putra, M.H., Imawan, C., Fauzia, V., Harmoko, A., Handayani, W AIP Conference Proceedings 1729, 020032 (2016)
- Current Driven Domain Wall Depinning in Notched Permalloy Nanowires Kurniawan, C., Djuhana, D AIP Conference Proceedings 1711, 020001 (2016)
- Numerical Study of Plasmon Resonance Silver Nanoparticles Coated Polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) using Bohren-Huffman-Mie Approximation Dede Djuhana, Cuk Imawan, Vivi Fauzia, Adhi Harmoko, Windri Handayani, and Miftahussurur H. Putra ICoSE Conference on Instrumentation, Environment and Renewable Energy (2015), Volume 2016 (KnE Engineering)
- The effect of rock properties in the analysis of amplitude variation with offset (AVO) on Baturaja carbonates formation at the northern part of West Java Basin Syahputra, R., Djuhana, D., Haris, A., Irzal AIP Conference Proceedings 1729, 020080 (2016)
- Controlling the size of gold nanoparticles grown on indium tin oxide substrates prepared by seed mediated growth method Fauzia, V., Pratiwi, N.I., Adela, F., Djuhana, D AIP Conference Proceedings 1729, 020029 (2016)
- Effect of precursor concentration on the structural and optical properties of ZnO nanorods prepared by hydrothermal method Lestari, A., Iwan, S., Djuhana, D., Imawan, C., Harmoko, A., Fauzia, V AIP Conference Proceedings 1729, 020027 (2016)
- Post-annealing effect on optical absorbance of hydrothermally grown zinc oxide nanorods Mohar, R.S., Iwan, S., Djuhana, D., Imawan, C., Harmoko, A., Fauzia, V AIP Conference Proceedings 1729, 020024 (2016)
- Micromagnetic calculation of the dynamics susceptibility spectra in LSMO (La0.7Sr0.3MnO3) ferromagnetic nanopillars D. Djuhana, L. Rohman, and D. H. Kim Journal of Magnetics 22(3), 364-368 (2017)
- A numerical study of the sensitivity of surface plasmon resonance bimeltallic silver-gold alloys using boundary element method, M H Putra, D Djuhana, V Fauzia, A Harmoko and C Imawan. IOP Conference Series Material Science and Engineering 188 (2017) 012016
- Enhancement of the stability of silver nanoparticles synthesized using aqueous extract of Diospyros discolor Willd. leaves using polyvinyl alcohol. H K Ardani, C Imawan, W Handayani, D Djuhana, A Harmoko and V Fauzia1 IOP Conference Series Material Science and Engineering 188 (2017) 012056
- Micromagnetic study of domain wall depinning driven by nanosecond current pulse in notched Permalloy nanowires D. Djuhana, C. Kurniwan, and D. H. Kim Current Applied Physics 236-240 (2018)