Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Abdul Haris is a member of the academic staff at the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia. He was born in Pemalang on September 21, 1970. He obtained his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia. He continued his Doctoral Study in the Field of Geophysics at Kiel University, Germany, under supervision Prof. Dr. E. Flueh, Prof. Dr. W. Rabel and Dr. Dirk Klaschen, and finished it on 2002. He successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Amplitude Preserving Pre-stack Depth Migration and Its Application to Imaging of BSR in Marine Multi-channel Seismic Reflection Data” with cum laude. He is now actively working as a lecturer and providing supervision for undergraduate and graduate geophysics students. He also actively contributes to the Indonesian Geophysical Society (HAGI) as a Vice President of HAGI for certification.
2002 Doctor, University of Kiel Geophysics, Jerman
1985 Master, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
1976 Undergraduate Degree, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Current Position, Professor
2019 – 2024, Vice Chancellor
2014 – 2018, Dean of Faculty of Math and Science, University of Indonesia
2014 – 2016, General secretary of Faculty of Math and Science University of Indonesia, MIPA National Forum
2009 – 2012, Vice President for Certificatio, HAGI
2008 – 2013, Secretary of of Faculty of Math and Science University of Indonesia
2004 – 2008, Research and Community Service Manager
2003, Secretary of Physics Magister Program
- A. Prakoso and A. Haris, Seismic multiattribute for predicting reservoir properties: Case study of globigerina limestone reservoir, Madura Strait, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 830, 042056 (2020)
- I. Sumantri, A. Haris, and A. Riyanto, Integration of fluid replacement modeling and seismic AVO analysis towards simultaneous seismic inversion to delineate the distribution of Globigerina limestone gas reservoir, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012051 (2020)
- Afzalurrahman, A. Haris, and A. Riyanto, New reservoirs prediction and production effects in the a Kutai Basin using the spectral decomposition method, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012053 (2020)
- V. Rowi, A. Haris, and A. Riyanto, Direct hydrocarbon indicator (DHI) pitfall assessment in prospecting pliocene globigerina biogenic gas play in “x structure”, Madura Strait, East Java Basin, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012046 (2020)
- D. P. Kusuma, A. Haris, T. R. P. Astuti, R. A. Wibowo, A. Riyanto, and L. I. Saputra, Shale structure implication in hydraulic fracturing production results: Case study in low resistivity low quality reservoir, offshore North West Java area, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 481, 012055 (2020)
- A. Haris, Integrated Geological and Geophysical Approach to Reservoir Modeling: Case Study of Jambi Sub-basin, Sumatra, Indonesia, Journal of the Geological Society of India 95, 197-204 (2020)
- Abdul Haris, Befriko Murdianto, and Adriansyah, Designing coal-bed methane seismic acquisition survey parameters using finite difference modeling, Proceedings, Indonesian Petroleum Association, Thirty-Third Annual Convention & Exhibition, May 2009