Surya Darma, M.Si.

Surya Darma, M.Si.

Selected Publications

  1. A. Faza and S. Darma,  Implementation of single shot detector for object finding in drone platform, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012005 (2020)
  2. A. Dutasatria and S. Darma, Automatic take-off landing quadcopter control on dynamics platform, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012047 (2020)
  3. A. Taqwim Safrudin, S. Darma, and S. Sukirno, Object detection for autonomous search and rescue quadrotor application, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012017 (2020)
  4. A. H. I. Fadhillah, A. Taqwim Safrudin, and S. Darma,  Unmanned aerial vehicle object tracking and following, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1528, 012018 (2020)
  5. A. Faza and S. Darma,  Histogram of oriented gradients as feedback on proportional navigation (PN) control and proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control on quadcopter platforms, AIP Conference Proceedings 2168, 020014 (2019)
  6. L. C. Dale, S. Darma, and Prawito,  The shortest path determination on hexacopter based RGB image processing, AIP Conference Proceedings 2023, 020052 (2018)
  7. H. Malik, S. Darma, and S. Soekirno, Quadcopter Control Using Speech Recognition, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1011, 012049 (2018)
  8. H. Anis, A. H. I. Fadhillah, S. Darma, and S. Soekirno,  Automatic Quadcopter Control Avoiding Obstacle Using Camera with Integrated Ultrasonic Sensor, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1011, 012046 (2018)
  9. R. N. Ruliputra and and S. Darma, Control system of hexacopter using color histogram footprint and convolutional neural network, AIP Conference Proceedings 1862, 030064 (2017)
  10. S. Darma, J.L. Buessler, G. Hermann, J.P. Urban, B. Kusumoputro, Visual servoing quadrotor control in autonomous target search, Proceedings – 2013 IEEE 3rd International Conference on System Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2013, 6650192, pp. 319-324 (2013)

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