Gedung F (Fisika), Lantai 3A
Departemen Fisika
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok
Phone: +62+21-7872609/10 | Fax: +62+21-7863441
Gedung F (Fisika), Lantai 3A
Departemen Fisika
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok
Phone: +62+21-7872609/10 | Fax: +62+21-7863441
1. Desktop computer
2. Literatur
3. Printer
1. Geodesic of nonlinear electrodynamics and stable photon orbits (Physical Review D 101 (12), 124036)
2. Particles’ trajectories around charged black holes with a nonlinear electrodynamics source (AIP Conference Proceedings 2242 (1), 020005)
3. Nonlinear electrodynamics black holes: Study of thermodynamic properties (AIP Conference Proceedings 2234 (1), 040009)
4. Giant leaps in vacuum decay within the Dirac-Born-Infeld theory with two fields (AIP Conference Proceedings 2234 (1), 040005)
5. Creation of the de sitter space from nothing in Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory (Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1354 (1), 012005)
6. Asymptotically-flat Black Hole in EiBI-Born-Infeld Theory (Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1354 (1), 012004)
7. Coleman-de Luccia tunneling wave function (Physics Letters B 796, 225-229)
8. Charged black holes in higher-dimensional Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld gravity (Nuclear Physics B 943, 114615)
9. Gravitational field of global monopole within the Eddington-inspired Born-Infeld theory of gravity (The European Physical Journal C 78 (6), 436)