Selected Publications
- Marwazi, I. Lestariningsih, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Distribution dose profile of Computed Tomography (CT) along the z-axis with pitch variation: In-house phantom study, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1568, 012022 (2020)
- K. Mar’le, I. Lestariningsih, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Phantom design for analysis of CT image quality from Single-source and Dual-source CT scan, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1568, 012019 (2020)
- R. Muharam, I. Lestariningsih, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Designing phantom in-house for quick check computed radiography (CR) and digital radiography (DR) system, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1568, 012023 (2020)
- T. R. Amalia, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, Synthesis of Hidroxyapatite Using Microwave Irradiation and Sintering with Variation pH and Time, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012063 (2020)
- Hafiz, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, The Effect of pH Variation on Fluor-Hydroxyapatite Nano Crystal Synthesis with Microwave Irradiation Method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012064 (2020)
- J. A. Siregar, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, The Impact of Mg Concentration, Microwave Irradiation Time, and Sintering on Magnesium-Hydroxyapatite Synthesis, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012059 (2020)
- Y. Saragih, I. Lestariningsih, I. A. Mu’Minah, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Recognizing Intrapulmonary Lymph Node (IPLN) and Lymph Node in Soft Tissue Image from Low Dose Computed Tomography (LDCT) and Standard Dose Computed Tomography (SDCT): Study Using CIRS Phantom, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012043 (2020)
- F. N. Hariowibowo, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, Synthesis of Magnesium-Hydroxyapatite Crystal via microwave irradiation, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012077 (2019)
- F. M. Ersal, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, Synthesis and characterization of hydroxyapatite-chitosan composite in situ by microwave irradiation method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012080 (2019)
- C. P. Pebriani, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, Microwave-assisted precipitation of carbonated hydroxyapatite, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012078 (2019)
- M. Wisnugroho, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, Synthesis and characterization of fluoridated hydroxyapatite nano-powder via microwave irradiation method, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012076 (2019)
- R. A. Sabrina, Nurlely, and Y. W. Sari, Characterization of properties in microwave irradiated-hydroxyapatite, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012079 (2019)
- P. T. Hastari, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Determination of conversion factors of SPECT hot images respect to hot objects in bone medium: Preliminary study using in house phantom, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012033 (2019)
- I. A. S. Mu’Minah, Ratianto, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Phantom design for quality control of Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (PET/CT) imaging, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012031 (2019)
- I. Lestariningsih, L. E. Lubis, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Effect of pitch on CT image quality based on SNR evaluation using in house phantom, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012027 (2019)
- S. Julia, Y. W. Sari, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Formation and characterization of collagen and hydroxyapatite composite, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012082 (2020)
- R. Tasomara, S. Julia, Y. W. Sari, Nurlely, and D. S. Soejoko, Study of carbonated calcium phosphate precipitation on collagen, Materials Science Forum 966, 126-132 (2019)
- V. Fauzia, Nurlely, C. Imawan, N.M.M.S. Narayani, A.E. Putri, A localized surface plasmon resonance enhanced dye-based biosensor for formaldehyde detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 257, 1128-1133 (2018).