Kristina Tri Wigati, M.Si was born in Jakarta, August 17, 1982. She received her Bachelor from Department of Physics, Bogor Agricultural University (2004) and her Master degree from Department of Physics majoring in Medical Physics, University of Indonesia (2008). Her research concentration is image quality, dosimetry and optimisation of radiation protection in the field of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology.
She has involved in Clinical Medical Physics Training of Diagnostic Radiology at Radiology Department, Westmead Hospital, NSW, Australia in 2010 funded by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). She has also participated in several advanced schools conducted by joint International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) and IAEA in the topics of dosimetry in Diagnostic Radiology (2009), mammography (2011), and radiation protection for patients (2012). Currently she also involves in the establishment and implementation of compliance testing program for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology equipment conducted by national nuclear energy regulatory agency.
Basic Physics, Radiation Protection, Diagnostic Radiology Imaging, and Diagnostic Radiology Experiment
Selected Publications
- W. Ardiatna, N. G. Pratiwi, S. A. Pawiro, K. T. Wigati, and D. S. Soejoko, Influence of Various Setup Parameters on Scattered Fraction in Interventional Cardiology, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1505, 012042 (2020)
- N. G. Pratiwi, W. Ardiatna, S. A. Pawiro, K. T. Wigati, D. S. Soejoko, The optimization of radiation protection to interventional cardiologists, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1434, 012002 (2020)
- K. T. Wigati, L. Vancoillie, E. Salomon, G. Zhang, L. Cockmartin, N. Marshall, H. Bosmans, D. S. Soejoko, K. Bliznakova, and D. Petrov, Channelized Hotelling observer assessing microcalcification detectability on 2D mammography: A first application to study the impact of tube voltage, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1248, 012018 (2019)
- K. T. Wigati, H. Bosmans, L. Cockmartin, G. Zhang, L. Vancoillie, D. Petrov, D. A. N. Vandenbroucke, D. S. Soejoko, and N. W. Marshall, A case study on the impact of a reduction in MTF on test object detectability score in mammography, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE 10948, 109480J (2019)
- L. Vancoillie, L. Cockmartin, K. Tri Wigati, D. Petrov, G. Zhang, N. Marshall, and H. Bosmans, Performance evaluation of a 3D structured phantom with simulated lesions on breast imaging systems, Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging – Proceedings of SPIE 10718, 107180Y (2018)
- K.T. Wigati, L. Cockmartin, N. Marshall, D.S. Soejoko, and H. Bosmans, Towards a Phantom for Multimodality Performance Evaluation of Breast Imaging: A 3D Structured Phantom with Simulated Lesions Tested for 2D Digital Mammography, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9699, 243-253 (2016).
- Wigati, K.T, Soejoko, D.S. Performance Network System of CT (Computed Tomography) Scanner, TPS (Treatment Planning System) and Linac (Linear Accelerator) at Pertamina Central Hospital. Abstract book of the 8th Asia Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and the 6th South East Asian Congress of Medical Physics, Vietnam, 2008.
- Wigati, K.T, Soejoko, D.S. Manual Position Reconstruction Using Anterior-Posterior And Lateral Radiography. Abstract book of the 9th Asia Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and the 7th South East Asian Congress of Medical Physics, Thailand, 2009.
- Wigati, K.T. Breast imaging: Past, Current, and Future Technology. Abstract of the 2011 South East Asian Congress of Medical Physics, Philippines (SEACOMP 2011): Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine September 2012, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp 365-387 .
- Buchori, E.M; Wigati, K.T; Soejoko, D.S. CTDI From Phantom and Air Measurements, and Impact CT Software Calculation: Experimental Study. Abstract of the 2011 South East Asian Congress of Medical Physics, Philippines (SEACOMP 2011): Australasian Physical & Engineering Sciences in Medicine September 2012, Volume 35, Issue 3, pp 365-387.
- Wigati, K.T, Sidabutar S, Soejoko, D.S. Performance Measurement of DR Mammography System. Proceeding of the 12th Asia Oceania Congress of Medical Physics and the 10th South East Asian Congress of Medical Physics, Thailand, 2012.