Dr. Adam Badra Cahaya received his B.Sc, M.Sc and Dr. Sc. in 2013, 2015 and 2018, respectively, from Department of Physics, Tohoku University. He received Dr. Sc. degree with dissertation entitled “Spin, charge and heat coupling at magnetic interfaces” from Interdepartmental Doctoral Degree Program for Multi-Dimensional Material Science Leaders. His doctoral study was done in Theoretical Physics Group, Institute for Materials Research, under JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist.
Email: adam [at] sci.ui.ac.id
2008 Satyalancana Wira Karya from Presiden Indonesia
2012 Young Scientist Award from Aoba Society for the Promotion of Science 青葉理学振興会奨励賞.
2023 – 2024 “Kajian Teori Efek Struktur Non-Centrosymmetry pada Sifat Magnetoelektrik dari Material Multiferoik” from Univ. Indonesia
2023 – 2024 “Aplikasi Efek Exchange Antisimetrik pada Tekstur Magnet di Antarmuka Logam Berat” from Univ. Indonesia
2023 – 2024 “Kajian Teori Sifat Multiferoik pada Magnetik Heterostructure dalam Perangkat Memori Hemat Energi” from Univ. Indonesia
2023 – 2024 “Keterikatan Spin-Orbit pada Perangkat Multiferoik untuk Efisiensi Energi” from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univ. Indonesia
2023 “Modeling of Electrical Control of Exchange Bias for Efficient Magnetic Recording” from Indonesia Toray Science Foundation
2022 – 2023 “Pemodelan Teoretis Produksi Arus Memanfaatkan Spin Nuklir” from Univ. Indonesia
2022 – 2023 “Pemodelan Teoretis Mekanisme Produksi Arus Listrik Memanfaatkan Impuritas Logam Tanah Jarang” from Univ. Indonesia
2022 – 2023 “Pemodelan Teoretis Mekanisme Kontrol Magnetisasi Memanfaatkan Interaksi Spin-Orbit Antarmuka” from Univ. Indonesia
2020 – 2021 “Pemodelan Teoritis Struktur Pita Elektron dari Semikonduktor untuk Aplikasi Konversi Energi” from Univ. Indonesia
2020 – 2021 “Pemodelan Teoritis Resonansi Magnetik Inti pada Logam Berat” from Univ. Indonesia
2020 – 2021 “Pemodelan Teoritis Efek Spin Transfer Torque pada Logam Berat” from Univ. Indonesia
2020 – 2021 “Kajian Teoretis Efek Impuritas Permukaan pada Sifat Magnetis Logam Berat” from Univ. Indonesia
2020 – 2021 “Kajian Teoretis Transfer Energi Spin dalam Baterai Berbasis Spin Nuklir” from Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Univ. Indonesia
2015 – 2018 “Antiferromagnetic spin Seebeck effect” from JSPS
2015 – 2018 Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowship for Young Scientists.
2008 – 2015 Japanese Ministry of Education and Sport (MEXT) Scholarship.
Research interest
His research focuses on spintronics, combining elements from condensed matter physics (spin transport, magnetic phenomena), nanoscale physics (quantum effects in confined systems), and materials science (magnetic thin films, skyrmions, and novel materials).
His preprints on arxiv.org reflect this interdisciplinary approach:
- Condensed Matter Physics: Explores quantum magnetism and electron interactions.
- Nanoscale Physics: Examines quantum confinement at the nanoscale.
- Materials Science: Investigates the properties of magnetic materials for spintronic applications.
At the intersection of these fields, his work advances the manipulation of electron spin at the nanoscale, driving innovation in spintronics.
Recently Published
Engineering of half metallic band structure optimizes thermoelectricity
In recent years, interest in thermoelectric materials has grown due to their potential to convert waste heat into energy. However, traditional materials suffer from low efficiency and high cost, prompting exploration of alternatives like half-metal ferromagnets (HMFs), which exhibit both metallic and insulating properties based on electron spin orientation. In 2015, it was proposed that HMFs could show significant thermoelectric performance in anti-parallel spin valve configurations. Building on this, we used density functional theory (DFT) to simulate HMF systems like Co2MnSi and Fe3O4 and analyze parameters such as the Seebeck coefficient, thermal conductivity, and SVEF. Our findings reveal that opening the band gap in HMFs enhances thermoelectric performance by increasing the Seebeck coefficient and reducing thermal conductivity. This research highlights how manipulating band structures can improve thermoelectric efficiency in HMFs for practical applications.
F.E.M. Rahangiar, A.B. Cahaya, M.S. Muntini, I. Anshori, and E.H. Hasdeo, “Optimal half-metal band structure for large thermoelectric performance”, Phys. Rev. B 110, 035150 (2024)
Dipolar and antisymmetric exchange interactions stabilizes hybrid magnetic skyrmion
Recently, a type of hybrid skyrmion with intermediate helicity between Bloch and Néel skyrmion, has gained more attraction. It has improved mobility and reduced the skyrmion-Hall effect, which prevents the skyrmions from moving parallel to the current flow. We show that the hybrid skyrmion can stabilize through the interplay of dipolar interaction and two types of antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interactions (DMI): interfacial DMI and bulk DMI. Since the hybrid skyrmion can be considered as a superposition of the Néel and Bloch skyrmion, it is also a potential candidate as building blocks for quantum bits (qubits) in quantum computers, where information can be stored by utilizing the helicity degree of freedom.
M.P.M. Akhir, E. Suprayoga, A.B.Cahaya, “Stabilization and Helicity Control of Hybrid Magnetic Skyrmion” J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 57, 165303 (2024)
Hyperfine interactions enable spin-orbit torque on nuclear spin
Hyperfine interactions describe the magnetic interaction between spins of atomic nucleus and electron. The interaction, also referred as hyperfine coupling, consists of Fermi contact and dipolar interactions between dipole magnetic moments of atomic nucleus and electron. We demonstrate that the hyperfine coupling can mediate the application of spin-orbit torques acting on nuclear spins. In quantum computing, nuclear spin is a candidate for qubit. Since qubit has the potential to the miniaturization of memory, the application of nuclear spin by means of nuclear spin orbit torque could lead to further miniaturization of spintronics devices.
A.B. Cahaya, A.O. Leon, and M.H. Fauzi, “Spin-orbit torque on nuclear spins exerted by a spin accumulation via hyperfine interactions”, Nanotechnology 34, 505001 (2023)
Spin-orbit couplings at magnetic interface generate magnetoelectric effect and enable exchange bias
Exchange bias is a unidirectional magnetic anisotropy that often arise from interfacial interaction of a ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic layers. we show that spin-orbit couplings in magnetic heterostructures, such as La2/3Sr1/3MnO3|LaAlO3|SrTiO3 can induces an exchange bias via an interface magnetoelectric effect. The interface magnetoelectric effect is induced by spin-orbit couplings that arises from the broken symmetry of the system. We demonstrate that the exchange bias can be controlled by electric field.
A.B. Cahaya, A.A. Anderson, A. Azhar, and M.A. Majidi,”Electrically controllable exchange bias via interface magnetoelectric effect”, IEEE Trans. Magn. 59 (11) 1300304 (2023)
Twisted spin density generates anisotropic magnetic interactions.
The interactions of spins -most miniature magnets- can be isotropic or anisotropic, the latter resulting in twisted spin orientations. This article finds a simple explanation of the anisotropic interaction named Dzyaloshiskii-Moriya in metals. The model is based on two atomic spins; one of them is heavy, such as a lanthanide. As a result, a spin orientation emerges in the electrons of the metal and is perpendicular to the atomic spins. We name this as Dzyaloshisnkii-Moriya Spin-Density (DM-SD). When additional magnetic atoms are considered, the DM-SD mediates their interaction, similar to the magnetic field of large magnets’ poles, or the isotropic polarization in metals connecting far spins. The figure shows three spins (one of them, Jf, a lanthanide) and the DM-SD (colormap and small arrows) mediating their exchange.
A.B. Cahaya and A.O.Leon, “Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spin density by skew scattering”, Phys. Rev. B 106, L100408 (2022)
In chemistry, the mixing of atomic orbitals form orbital hybridization. The orbital hybridization helps to explain molecule shape. In a carbon atom, for example, s and p orbitals form s-p orbital hybridization. In the band theory of solid state, orbital hybridization can also occur. For example, in the Anderson impurity model, an impurity in a sea of conduction electrons is modeled as a localized orbital and an itinerant orbital. The orbital hybridization enables the interaction between the bands. In this article, we study a spin current generation phenomenon at the interface of a magnetic material and a heavy metal. The heavy metal can be described using a generalized Anderson model with s-d orbital hybridization. By comparing the data of various heavy metals, we show that the s-d orbital hybridization enhances the spin current generation.
A.B. Cahaya, R.M. Sitorus, A. Azhar, A.R.T. Nugraha, and M.A. Majidi, “Enhancement of spin-mixing conductance by s-d orbital hybridization in heavy metals”, Phys. Rev. B 105 211438 (2022)
Spin current generation by orbital moment
Due to its low intrinsic damping, rare earth iron garnet is often as spin current generator. It is actually a ferrimagnetic with antiferromagnetically coupled magnetic lattices. Here, rare earth iron garnet is described with two exchange-coupled magnetic sub-lattices. The angular momentum of rare earth reduces spin mixing conductance and magnetization. The orbital angular momentum of rare earth increases gyromagnetic ratio. Spin pumping is proportional to the difference of orbital and spin angular momentum.
A.B. Cahaya, “Enhancement of thermal spin pumping by orbital angular momentum of rare earth iron garnet”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 553, 169248 (2022)
Selected Student Projects
(students of Theoretical/Computational Condensed Matter Physics Research Group, etc):
- 2020-2021:
- Faisal Kengo, Effect of Layered Dielectric Structure Variation on Light Absorption and Electric Field in Atomic Layer Material
- Muhammad Aziz Rahman, Tight-Binding Model for Graphene C-13: Investigating the Role of Electron-Phonon Coupling
- Muhammad Fadli Rais, Calculation of Light Absorption in Semiconductors with Quadratic, Quartic, and Sextic Energy Dispersions
- Rico M. Sitorus, Theoretical Modeling of Magnetic Susceptibility of Pd and Pt
- Rudye Layton, Theoretical Study of Valley Polarization in Anitimonene using Circularly-Polarized Light
- 2021-2022
- Janice A. Tombeg, Theoretical Study of Electron, Spin, and Heat Transports in Magnetic Tunnel Junction
- M. Ja’far Prakoso, Theoretical Study of Valley Polarization in Bismuthene using Circularly-Polarized Light
- Bismo Bandutomo, Magnetization Reversal Mechanism of Co/Pt and CoFeB/Pd thin films based on Fatuzzo-Labrune model
- Ansell Alvarez Anderson, RKKY Interaction in Spin Valve Structure with Semiconductor Spacer
- 2022-2023
- Rani Kumalasari Adita Putri, Theoretical Study of Induced Antisymmetric Exchange Interaction at Paramagnetic – Ferromagnetic Interface
- Mikhael Abidan Abednego, Sifat Termoelektrik Material Ca2XCl (X = N, P, AS, SB, BI)
- 2023-2024
- Mohammad Norman Gaza Laksono, Analisis Sifat Termoelektrik Bahan Nodal Line Semimetals TiS dan Mg3Bi2 dengan First-Principles Methods dan Two-band Model
(students of Exploration and Innovation of Magnetic and Dielectric Materials Research Group, etc)
- 2020-2021
- Wakid Ali Muntoha, Computational Analysis of Reflection Loss from Scattering Parameter of Electromagnetic Wave Absorbing Materials based on Nicolson-Rose-Wear method
- Rafael Ferdinandus Maniru, Law of Approach to Saturation for Determining Magnetic Intrinsic Behavior of BaFe12-xMnx/2Tix/2O19 and SrFe12-xMnx/2Tix/2O19
- 2022-2023
- Zahirah Lesnia Wibawati Chamsudi, Analisis Rasio Tegangan Akibat Ekspansi Ekspansi Termal pada Sistem Perpipaan Menggunakan Material Baja Karbon, Baja Paduan, dan Baja Tahan Karat
- Edward Chrisman, Studi Komputasi dari Sifat Elastis Fe3Ni2 dan Fe6Ni3Co Menggunakan Density Functional Theory
- 2023-2024
- Yulinar Cahyani, Pemodelan Pengaruh Subsitusi Sr Pada Pb Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Perovakite Manganite Nd0,67Pb0,33MnO3
- Tasya Indah Juwita Sari, Pengaruh Subtitusi Unsur Divalen Terhadap Struktur dan Sifat Mekanik Perovskit Manganit Nd0.67Sr(0.33-x)CaxMnO3 Menggunakan Permodelan Komputasi Density Functional Theory
Selected Publications
- F.E.M. Rahangiar, A.B. Cahaya, M.S. Muntini, I. Anshori, and E.H. Hasdeo, “Optimal half-metal band structure for large thermoelectric performance”, Phys. Rev. B 110, 035150 (2024)
- M.P.M. Akhir, E. Suprayoga, and A.B. Cahaya, “Stabilization and Helicity Control of Magnetic Skyrmion”, J.Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 57, 165303 (2024)
- A.B. Cahaya, A.O. Leon, and M.H. Fauzi, “Spin-orbit torque on nuclear spins exerted by a spin accumulation via hyperfine interactions”, Nanotechnology 34, 505001 (2023)
- A.B. Cahaya, A.A. Anderson, A. Azhar, and M.A. Majidi,”Electrically controllable exchange bias via interface magnetoelectric effect”, IEEE Trans. Magn. 59 (11) 1300304 (2023)
- M.S. Ukhtary, A.R.T. Nugraha, A.B. Cahaya, A. Rusydi, and M.A. Majidi, “High-performance Kerr quantum battery”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 123, 034001 (2023)
- A.B. Cahaya and A.O. Leon, “Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya spin density by skew scattering”, Phys. Rev. B 106, L100408 (2022)
- A.B. Cahaya, R.M. Sitorus, A. Azhar, A.R.T. Nugraha, and M.A. Majidi, “Enhancement of spin-mixing conductance by s-d orbital hybridization in heavy metals”, Phys. Rev. B 105, 211438 (2022)
- A.B. Cahaya, “Enhancement of thermal spin pumping by orbital angular momentum of rare earth iron garnet”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 553, 169248 (2022)
- M.S. Muntini, E. Suprayoga, S.A. Wella, I. Fatimah, L. Yuwana, T. Seetawan, A.B. Cahaya, A.R.T. Nugraha and E.H. Hasdeo, “Spin-tunable thermoelectric performance in monolayer chromium pnictides”, Phys. Rev. Mater. 6, 064010 (2022)
- A.B. Cahaya, A. Azhar, D. Djuhana and M.A. Majidi, “Effect of interfacial spin mixing conductance on gyromagnetic ratio of Gd substituted Y3Fe5O12“, Phys. Lett. A 437, 128085 (2022)
- A.B. Cahaya, “Adiabatic limit of RKKY range function in one dimension”, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 547, 168874 (2022).
- A.B. Cahaya and M.A. Majidi, “Effects of screened Coulomb interaction on spin transfer torque”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 094420 (2021)
- A.B. Cahaya, A.O. Leon, M.R. Aliabad and G.E.W. Bauer, “Equilibrium current vortices in simple metals doped with rare earths”, Phys. Rev. B 103, 064433 (2021)
- A.B. Cahaya, A. Azhar and M.A. Majidi, “Yukawa potential for realistic prediction of Hubbard and Hund interaction parameters for transition metals”, Phys. B Condens. Matter 604, 412696 (2021)
- A.O. Leon, J.D.E. Castro, J.C. Retamal, A.B. Cahaya and D. Altbir, “Manipulation of the RKKY exchange by voltages”, Phys. Rev. B 100, 014403 (2019)
- C.N. Rangkuti, A.B. Cahaya, A. Azhar, M.A. Majidi and A. Rusydi, “Manifestation of charge/orbital order and charge transfer in temperature-dependent optical conductivity of single-layered Pr0.5Ca1.5MnO4”, J. Phys. Condens. Matter 31, 365601 (2019)
- A.O. Leon, A.B. Cahaya and G.E.W. Bauer, “Voltage control of rare-earth magnetic moments at the magnetic-insulatorーmetal interface”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 027201 (2018)
- A.B. Cahaya, A.O. Leon and G.E.W. Bauer, “Crystal field effects on spin pumping”, Phys. Rev. B 96, 144434 (2017)
- A.B. Cahaya, O.A. Tretiakov and G.E.W. Bauer, “Spin Seebeck power conversion”, IEEE Trans. Magn. 51, 0800414 (2015)
- A.B. Cahaya, O.A. Tretiakov and G.E.W. Bauer, “Spin Seebeck power generators”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 042402 (2014)