AUN 2018
Appendix 1.1 Decree of MEC of the Republic of Indonesia No. 108.094/1960 (Ind)
Appendix 1.2 BAN-PT Decree No. 227/2013 (Ind)
Appendix 2.1.1 Indonesian President’s Regulation No. 8/2012 (Ind)
Appendix 2.1.2 Rector UI Regulation No 14/2016 (Eng)
Appendix 2.1.3 National Curriculum in Physics of IPS (Ind)
Appendix 2.1.4 List of altered courses
Appendix 2.2.1 FMNS booklet
Appendix 2.4.1 Board of Trustees Decision No. 005/2010 on The Norms of Education at UI (Eng)
Appendix 2.4.2 Example of BRPs
Appendix 2.4.3 Example of an internship report
Appendix 2.4.4 Example of a Letter of Agreement
Appendix 2.4.5 Scoring form for Medical and Biophysics Concentration Internship Report
Appendix 2.4.6 List of Academic and Research Collaboration in the Department of Physics
Appendix 2.5.1 FMNS Dean Decree No 111/2014 (Ind)
Appendix 2.5.2 Rector UI Decree No. 2143 / 2017 (Ind)
Appendix 2.5.3 Examples of examination papers (Eng)
Appendix 2.5.4 Assessment rubric and marking scheme for undergraduate thesis (Eng)
Appendix 2.5.5 Form of Score Correction (Eng)
Appendix 2.5.6 List of student’s appeal
Appendix 2.6.1 Republic of Indonesia Law No. 12/2012 (Ind)
Appendix 2.6.2 Government Regulation No. 68/2013 (Eng)
Appendix 2.6.3 Republic of Indonesia Law No. 14/2005 (Ind)
Appendix 2.6.4 Rector Regulation No. 31/2016 (Ind)
Appendix 2.6.5 FMNS man power plan (Eng)
Appendix 2.6.6 FMNS staff appraisal form (Eng)
Appendix 2.6.7 Director General of Higher Education Decree No. 48/1983 (Ind)
Appendix 2.6.8 Samples of EDOM (Eng)
Appendix 2.6.9 FMNS training and development plan for staff (Eng)
Appendix 2.6.10 List of academic staff expertise (Eng)
Appendix 2.6.11 Rector Regulation No. 10/2017_renumeration system (Ind)
Appendix 2.8.1 Support facilities on campus (Eng)
Appendix 2.11.1 Gathering with alumni (Eng)