Master in Materials Science

Master in Materials Science

Materials science is a multidisciplinary field that explores the nature of matter and its applications in various fields of science and engineering such as physics, chemistry, as well as metallurgy, civil and electro engineering. In materials science, scientists are not only seeking for material and exploiting its properties, but also aims to understand the materials fundamentally and acquire new materials with desirable qualities. The concept of materials science is to link material properties and performance in certain applications to the structure of atoms, molecules and material phases obtained through the process of characterization. The Materials Science Program (Materials Science) has been established since 1983 which was endorsed by the decree of the implementation of Master and Doctoral program No: 577/DIKTI/Kep/1993. This Study Program adheres to the integration of education/ teaching and research conducted with a balanced portion of time. Therefore, cooperation with research institutions, industries and universities, both domestic and foreign, become the priority.



To become Master in Materials Science program with international standard, by playing an active role in education, research, and becoming the center of innovation in Material Science and its application, while maintaining environmental sustainability on behalf of humanity.

  • Conduct education to bear graduates with high morals that acquire competency in science and technology and are capable to compete in international world.
  • Conduct research and create new research groups, in order to bear graduates who are capable to conduct research activities and innovations in Material Science, including specialization fields: metal and alloy, ceramics, polymer, electronic and magnetic materials, and composite materials, as well as spread the result to in order to move forward Materials Science.
  • Educate students to become decision-maker individual in various field that are related to Materials Science and acquire capability to be independent with reliable entrepreneurial passion and soul.
  • Conduct professional services in order to improve public welfare through utilization of Materials Science while watching environmental sustainability.

Research Fields

The Master of Science in Material Science Program has four Specializations:

  • Metal and Alloy
  • Polymers and Composite
  • Ceramics and Glasses
  • Electronic and Magnetic Materials

About Graduates

Graduate Profile

Master in Materials Science Program aims to bear graduates who are capable to study materials science and technology through independent research activities, by applying innovative work method, while honoring scientific ethics.

General Competencies

  • Capable to analyse advancement of materials science and technology.
  • Capable to analyse specific problems of materials science through research activities both in independent setting and/or in groups, while honouring scientific ethics.
  • Capable to communicate and disseminate results of research in community of materials science.
  • Capable to apply research results in the form of prototype that is beneficial for society and materials science.
  • Capable to apply entrepreneurship concept to solve problems of business management in materials science coverage.

Specific Competencies

  • Capable to analyze various functional materials in various products.
  • Capable to apply principles of materials science and technology.
  • Capable to quantify physics and chemical measures of materials and to apply these measures on various use cases.
  • Capable to study work principle of various fabrication techniques and materials characterization.
  • Capable to select fabrication technique and materials characterization based on research requirements.
  • Capable to theoretically analyze solution in order to solve problems in materials science.
  • Capable to detail the general and specific problems in materials science.
  • Capable to create logical, systematic, and practical solutions, that are supported by scientific methods in order to solve problems of materials science.
  • Capable to construct scientific publication with either national or international standards.
  • Capable to execute scientific methods in research procedure.
  • Acquire basic managerial skill for effective and efficient work.

Fast Track Program Information

Fast Track Program Official Notes
Attachment: S1 – S2 Fast Track Program

Curriculum Structure

The Master in Materials Science program implements Master by Reasearch & Course and Master by Research Programs. Master by Research & Course program is conducted in Regular and Non Regular classes with the following conditions:

Regular Class

  • Study period: 2-6 semester (normal study period :4 semester)
  • Time: Monday-Friday
  • Place: UI Depok Campus



SK 1282 Tahun 2020 Kurikulum Magister Ilmu Material
SK Rektor No. 2 Tahun 2021 Penyelenggaraan Prodi Magister Ilmu Material
Peraturan Rektor 015 Tahun 2016 tentang Penyelenggaran Program Magister di Universitas Indonesia
SK dan Pedoman Teknis Penulisan Tugas Akhir-Nopember 2017
SK Dekan Pedoman Penyelesaian Tesis


Pedoman Penyelesaian Tesis Ilmu Material 2019

Petunjuk Teknis Sidang Online S2 Ilmu Material

Curriculum Structure

Daftar Kurikulum S2/S3 Ilmu material

Academic Forms

Borang Penilaian Publikasi Ilmiah 2021 

Rubrik Penilaian Ujian S2 Ilmu Material 2019


Pengenalan Prodi S2S3 Ilmu material 2021
Sertifikat BAN PT 2022

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