Biophysics Laboratory

Biophysics Laboratory




Gedung F (Fisika), Lantai 1, Ruang.109
Departemen Fisika
Fakultas Matematika & Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam (FMIPA)
Universitas Indonesia
Kampus UI Depok
Phone: +62+21-7872609/10 | Fax: +62+21-7863441

People Behind

Dr. Nurlely, M.Si.

Head of Laboratory


1. UV-Vis Spektrophotometer
2. Centrifuge


1. Performance of optical biosensor using alcohol oxidase enzyme for formaldehyde detection (AIP Conference Proceedings 1862 (1), 030049)

2. Fabrication and optimisation of optical biosensor using alcohol oxidase enzyme to evaluate detection of formaldehyde (AIP Conference Proceedings 1862 (1), 030047)

3. Effect of the quantity of carbonate components and sintering parameters on the quality of hydrothermally synthesized carbonate hydroxyapatite (AIP Conference Proceedings 1862 (1), 030070)

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