

To become an excellent program in Physics and its applications at global level

The Department of Physics is a center of education and research for physics and applied physics. Besides contributing to the education and research activities, many graduates have contributed to the world of global industries by joining a number of national and multi-national companies.  The faculties have solid collaborations with many leading physicists in this country and abroad. The Department of Physics has a wide cooperation with a number of industries, international and government affiliated institutions, which is aimed to create a mutual partnership that enables both parties to upgrade the competence of physics graduates, develop core knowledge in physics, and to actualize academic contributions for the community development. In its bachelor program, the Department of Physics has six specializations: Nuclear and Particles Physics, Materials Physics, Instrumentation Physics, Geophysics, and Medical Physics and Biophysics.

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About Thesis


Physics UI Profile

Academic Calendar

Undergraduate Defense Calendar of PTA 21/22

Tuition Fee

Rector Decree Year of 2017: Writing the Thesis

Submitting the Final Work (Thesis)

Information on Bachelor Examination

Guideline for Uploading Thesis S1/S2/S3



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