Condensed Matter Physics



Condensed-Matter Physics

Chairperson of the Specialization: Prof. Dr. Rosari Saleh
The illustration on the left is a microscopic representation of Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor (DMS) (image taken from DMS is one of the hot research areas in Condensed Matter Physics, where 2 lecturers of FMT specialize in it (Dr. MAM theoretically and Prof. Dr. RS experimentally). DMS is a material that has a combination of semiconductor and magnetic properties, so it promises to be used in electronics technology applications that utilize polarized electrical currents with specific spin directions. This future technology is known as spintronics.


Condensed Matter Physics is a field of physics that deals with the exploration and manipulation of phenomena and physical properties of matter, in solid or liquid form, based on the principles of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. This specialization aims to produce competent physicists in modeling and theoretical calculations and / or synthesis, characterization, and analysis of electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of crystalline, amorphous, or liquid systems. These competencies are shaped through learning experiences in advanced courses such as Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Field, Statistical Physics, Solid Physics, and Spectroscopy, as well as experimental or experimental theoretical / experimental practical experience in the workings of Advanced Laboratory topics and project final assignments.

Future Career of Graduates

With the provision of competence of analysis and problem solving skills (using analytical, numerical, and / or experimental tools) on complex issues in physics related to material systems or similar, these graduates are expected to be able to compete in employment in related industries with material exploration, electronic devices, computer software development, etc., or as researchers in research institutions such as BPPT, BATAN, LIPI, etc. In addition, graduates with good achievement have the opportunity to continue their studies to master and doctoral level, especially in the field of Condensed Matter Physics, but do not close the opportunities to other areas that are still related, both in the scope of science and engineering, such as Materials Science / Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biophysics, etc..

Member of this Specialization

Collaboration with other institutions:

In recent years lecturers a number of active researchers in the field of Condensed-Matter Physics have established research collaboration with various institutions outside the Department of Physics UI, both domestic and abroad, among others:

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rosari Saleh with Dep. Biologi FMIPA UI, Faculty of Engineering UI, Faculty of Medicine UI;
  • M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D. with research group of Dr. Andrivo Rusydi in Singapore Syncrotron Light Source (SSLS) and Dept. of Physics, National University of Singapore (NUS);
  • Dr. Dede Djuhana with Dept. of Physics, Chungbuk National University, Korea Selatan.

How to join

Condensed-Matter Physics

Chairman of the specialization: Prof. Dr. Rosari Saleh

The illustration on the left is a microscopic representation of Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor (DMS) (image taken from DMS is one of the hot research areas in Condensed Matter Physics, where 2 lecturers of FMT specialize in it (Dr. MAM theoretically and Prof. Dr. RS experimentally). DMS is a material that has a combination of semiconductor and magnetic properties, so it promises to be used in electronics technology applications that utilize polarized electrical currents with specific spin directions. This future technology is known as spintronics.


Condensed Matter Physics is a field of physics that deals with the exploration and manipulation of phenomena and physical properties of matter, in solid or liquid form, based on the principles of quantum mechanics and statistical physics. This specialization aims to produce competent physicists in modeling and theoretical calculations and / or synthesis, characterization, and analysis of electrical, magnetic, and optical properties of crystalline, amorphous, or liquid systems. These competencies are shaped through learning experiences in advanced courses such as Quantum Mechanics, Electromagnetic Field, Statistical Physics, Solid Physics, and Spectroscopy, as well as experimental or experimental theoretical / experimental practical experience in the workings of Advanced Laboratory topics and project final assignments.

Future Career of Graduates

With the provision of competence of analysis and problem solving skills (using analytical, numerical, and / or experimental tools) on complex issues in physics related to material systems or similar, these graduates are expected to be able to compete in employment in related industries with material exploration, electronic devices, computer software development, etc., or as researchers in research institutions such as BPPT, BATAN, LIPI, etc. In addition, graduates with good achievement have the opportunity to continue their studies to master and doctoral level, especially in the field of Condensed Matter Physics, but do not close the opportunities to other areas that are still related, both in the scope of science and engineering, such as Materials Science / Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Biophysics, etc..


Condensed Matter Physics


Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rosari Saleh


Prof. Dr. techn. Djoko Triyono

Condensed Matter Physics


M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D.


Dr. Seno Aji

Condensed Matter Physics


Dr. Adam Badra Cahaya


Dr. Efta Yudiarsyah​

Collaboration with other institutions:

In recent years lecturers a number of active researchers in the field of Condensed-Matter Physics have established research collaboration with various institutions outside the Department of Physics UI, both domestic and abroad, among others:

  • Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Rosari Saleh with Dep. Biologi FMIPA UI, Faculty of Engineering UI, Faculty of Medicine UI;
  • M. Aziz Majidi, Ph.D. with research group of Dr. Andrivo Rusydi in Singapore Syncrotron Light Source (SSLS) and Dept. of Physics, National University of Singapore (NUS);

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